Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Let The Training OFFICIALLY Begin (Win)

Training began this morning.  Actually the calendar for training started yesterday, but it was a rest day--a much needed [second] rest day after six straight days of "killer week" running.

This morning started with a three-mile run.  I used a route that I have run before. It went well over all. I really tried to reach my 40 minute goal for my three miles--but was just one minute over! I might have done better if I wasn't running into the wind, but that is only an excuse--it was nice to have a breeze for a while.

I need to work on pushing myself back up to a full 30 minutes of running on the road.  I reached the 30 minutes (plus two minutes) on the treadmill, but haven't yet made it out on the road.  About 15 minutes straight is all that I can do, but I'm working on boosting that up.

Tomorrow is another rest day, and Thursday another three mile run. I am looking forward to it (and kind of wishing that I could run tomorrow). Gym after a day at work tomorrow.  But the best news of all, I don't have to go to the all day training on Thursday for a math curriculum that I won't be using, so I'll have an extra day to work in my classroom (but there will not be any other teachers there to talk to when I need a break).

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