Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Waves of Regret (I should have gone for that run)!

It has only taken me five months to find this statement truly true.  Yes, before this morning there were a few times when I didn't run and I should have but I never really felt guilty about not going. Until today.

My alarm went off at 04:31 like always. I let it snooze a few times while I checked Facebook, my email and the weather on my phone like I always do. I changed into my running clothes and then went to the bathroom like I always do. But once I made it to the kitchen I just decided that I didn't want to go and started being really slow about half-assing getting ready for my run. Then, "Oops--it is too late to go.  Guess I will just have to sleep a bit on the couch until it is time to get ready for work." Which is exactly what I did, covered up with my favorite afghan and curled up with some pillows.  When I finally got up, that's when the waves of regret hit me. Yes, I should have run this morning. I was not running that late, and I could have even gone for 3 1/2 miles instead of the 4 I was planning.  That would have been better than the zero miles I actually went.

Maybe this evening I will head out for a short run. I can hit the hills and feel like I am doing double duty. But, I also have to run tomorrow morning and Thursday morning.  No races this weekend, but I really should work in my short recovery run to make sure my milage is increasing each week.  That's an easy run--as long as I actually get out and run. 

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