Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Tuesday (Win)

This morning I set out on a four mile run. It went well except that my C25K app kept turning off and I had to restart it  But other than that everything went okay.  I was done in one hour and still had time to get ready for work and arrive at school on time.  I think that I am going to start doing the four mile runs during the week instead of the three mile runs. 

Yesterday, my mom and I signed for the series of runs that the City of Yuma is putting on starting in October and going through until March.  We signed up to do the runs as 10Ks instead of 5Ks.  Should be interesting, but by the first race I should have in at least one six mile run. This will just be extra practice.  We can call them "quarter marathons" in preparation for the half marathon we'll run in February.

Sunday I ran my first five mile run!  Yes--five miles!  I was really proud of myself and actually felt really great after my run. Better than I usually feel.  That route was a combination of two 3-mile runs and I thought that I would have trouble with it, but I didn't.  It was also the first time I had to fuel up while out on a run.  I took a small bag of 10 almonds with me to munch on and was over three and a half miles in before I remembered to eat them.  I ate only five, and felt great the rest of the time.  I'll have to remember almonds in the future.  This weekend I also bought some individual packets of almond butter and chocolate hazelnut butter at Target for $0.99 and hopefully they too will be easy to consume on a run.  

Someone flipped the weather switch in Yuma this weekend because the mornings have been very cool, almost chilly.  Such a difference from running in 80º+ weather.  But I love it.  Sunday it was pretty windy, but it kept me dry while running even if making it a bit difficult to listen to my audio book.  I am looking forward to training in much cooler weather!

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