Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday's Six Mile Run (Win)

This morning I set out for a six mile run--and I finished it.  Aside from not being able to take a "short cut" home, I stuck it out and continued running, even if only running on the downhill parts during the last mile.  It wasn't a very creative route to take, but most of it was roads I was familiar with and that helped me feel safe. Plus, running in a giant rectangle I was able to pretty easily determine my distance based on my location.

This time I took different fuel with me. I brought a packet of maple almond butter to try on this run.  It was kind of tasty, a bit "grittier" than I expected. But it was hard to consume. I had trouble getting the packet open while holding a bottle in my hand, and then I ended up tearing it all the way across and it was too wide to try to gracefully squeeze a decent amount into my mouth while walking.  So, after a weird experience of licking gobs of almond butter out of a foil packet I decided that I'll save the chocolate hazelnut butter that I have at home for some toast or other tasty treat!  Maybe I'll experiment with Honey Stingers next.  That name just sounds like something so yummy.

Actually, I did kick a ton of ass this morning on my six mile run, but I am surprised how much my ass hurts from running too.  Yikes--and I didn't even do any squats this week!

But my ass-kicking needs to continue if I am going to run a 6.2 mile race on Friday!  I can't believe that it is coming up so quickly.

To get ready I will:
Not skip a day at the gym.
Run at least 4 miles on running days.
Eat cleaner this week than I have the last two weeks!

In six days, hopefully I can PR at my race for my second six mile run (or at least in my 5k time so I can finally get my new Birkenstocks)!

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