Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seven Minutes And Four Seconds Faster! (Win)

04:31 this morning is when my alarm went off, but I have already been awake for a while.  I was waiting for it to be a reasonable time to get up so that I could go for my run.  It wasn't that I was super excited about this Saturday morning run, but that I haven't been sleeping well the last few weeks, and 03:30 am did not seem like a reasonable time to go for a run.  In only that when I leave just before 5 am it is not long before the sun starts peaking over the horizon and providing me with light.  However, I was more tired getting out of bed around 04:45 than if I would have just got out of bed when I woke up.

But I still went for my run!  Four miles is what I set out to complete today.  Since I was sick a few weeks ago I have had trouble jumping back into my half marathon training. I don't seem to be able to run for as long in between walking breaks and I don't seem to be able to push myself as hard as I was before. But this morning, I decided that was all going to change!  While working on increasing my distance, I will also work on increasing my time spent running. This is going to be more challenging--but I think that I am up for it!

Looking at the forecasted weather for the next ten days, I am excited to see some morning lows in the 70s (and even the 60s--but I doubt that will actually happen).  I hope that running in the cooler weather will help me stick it out on my runs and push myself a little bit further each time.  

Tomorrow is three miles, and Monday is a rest day!  Next weekend--FIVE miles!  Wish me luck, no, remind me that I already know that I can do it!

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