Sunday, June 23, 2013

Eight Minutes-I Kicked Your Butt Today (Win)

I had my doubts about the eight minute running segments in Week Five, Day Two. But I decided I was going to run as much as I can and then I would walk the remainder of the time. If I needed to, I would try again tomorrow. But I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I was able to run the full eight minutes both times!  I has just conquered the full five minutes only days ago, and didn't think I was ready to increase my running time by more than 50%. 

The new challenge will be Week Five, Day Three. That's twenty minutes (or two miles) of running.  I think that something is out of place here, because I am going from eight minutes to 20 minutes. Then, Week Six, Day One is 5 minutes/8 minutes/5 minutes. But, I am up for the challenge. I'll give myself a walking break if I need it around the ten minute mark. As long as I keep going I think I will be okay.  I'll just make sure that I have the best music play list for tomorrow! Since I've hit these longer running segments I have been relying on music a little more to take divert my concentration. Usually it works until I get to the end of the song and I try to guess how long the song was and how much of the next one I have to listen to.  It keeps me going, so it's a good way to train.  

     I stayed in bed only until 05:00 and was out the door at 05:25. It was lovely out, clear without a breeze. My phone's weather app couldn't decide what temperature it was outside. On the map is said 72ºF but it was telling me 77ºF. That's quite a difference.  It was nice though, that's all I have to say.  I didn't mind running in the weather this morning. 

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