Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Morning Run (Win)

Today was supposed to be my rest day, but yesterday turned into a rest day instead. So I got up to run this morning.  I was off to a late start because I let my alarm snooze a couple of times. But I did eventually get out of bed and out the front door.  It seemed a lot easier only a few days ago to get up early and run, but I guess now that Summer Break has officially started it is more difficult to wake up before sunrise to go for a run.  It is going to be more tough next week when I have to start waking up earlier to beat the heat and the sun.  I will at least have the opportunity to take a nap in the middle of the day since I am not working.

     I was out the door at 05:55 this morning. My phone's weather app said it was 73ºF, but it felt much warmer than that when I was out on the road.  I also noticed this morning that there is a weather advisory for this weekend with the hottest temperatures of the year so far. Great, guess I start my 04:30 wake ups tomorrow.  Today was a clear morning and a bright sun. No breeze, not even cool crisp air.  

What Worked/What Didn't Work:
     Everything seemed in order this morning.  Luckily I was able to adjust my time on Endomondo for my run because I spent so much time waiting to cross the street at the lights.  I only changed it by three minutes, but it was probably a little more.  I will have to start pausing my Endomondo when I get to a crosswalk so that it doesn't mess with my running time.  I ran a Week Two program and then a Week One program.  It was a tough run this morning.  

     Yesterday's "rest day" just seemed to be a lack of motivation. I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to go to the gym, and I didn't want to do much of anything.  But today, I got up and went for a run with a fresh batch of motivation! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last Day of School--Let's Run Three Miles (Win)

I have decided that I want to start working on running three miles every day until the 5K next weekend. I don't usually go so far on a work day, but since it is my last work day I decided to get up a little earlier and go a little farther and do a little better.  Not too bad, since I only had my students for 1 1/2 hours today!  I woke up a few times in the night, probably anxious about getting up even earlier and that I would miss my alarm.

     At 05:29 I was out the door (only three minutes before the official sunrise time for today).  It was 69ºF and lovely out.  I didn't feel a breeze this morning, it would have been nice.  No clouds and a clear sky made for a lovely morning to run.

What Worked:
     All was in order this morning, and I made a few little adjustments to my route this morning to make sure that I had a full 3 miles.  I didn't take as long of a walking break in the middle when switching from one running program to the next and I think that helped keep me on task.  It was a little uncomfortable running with my glasses fogging up from sweaty steam, but taking off my hat solved that problem!

What Didn't Work:
     This morning I was a little more sore than I have been since I started running, but after being at work for a few hours it doesn't seem so bad.  Guess I am looking forward to another Epsom Salt bath after the gym this afternoon!  I carried my hat for a while and that was a little awkward, but it helped my sunglasses clear up.  

     I did have some leg pain today, and pushed my self a little more to hurry up and get home. I'd already turned around and was on my way back home so I would have made it there a little faster.  Hopefully this soreness doesn't last long.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friendship Win / Running Loss

Monday, Memorial Day, I went running with my mom and my co-worker Abby at the canal near the Foothills.  It was my first run with fellow new runner Abby, and a second road run with my mom.  It was a good start to my holiday.

     It was a very lovely morning on Monday. About 70ºF, and overcast with just a little bit of a cool breeze.  I wish that Arizona suffered from "June Gloom" like southern California, but alas, we are not so lucky.  Which means, that was probably our last beautiful morning for running.  We met near the canal at 06:00 and set off pretty quickly.

What Worked:
     It all seemed to go right on Monday morning.  I had electronics in order, and Rain Berry Gatorade (whatever flavor that is supposed to be), and my brand new heart rate monitor watch that I got for a really great price at Big Five the day before.  I didn't get to use it much on Monday morning, but still it seemed to work without any problems.

What Didn't Work
    Running with a new friend on Monday was a little challenging.  Abby and I ended up walking the whole second part of the "run" because we were busy talking about work and TV and who remembers what other things.  I think I actually said that my will power isn't strong enough to run instead of chatting.  Another lesson I learned was not to let my mom carry my phone which is running Endomondo when she is running ahead of me.  Oops. When I got home I had some great times and a longer distance than I actually had.  In all fairness (to myself) I deleted the workout and manually input the run from Abby's Endomondo information since her's was closer to my actual workout than what my mom had.  As soon as I get my Nathan 5K belt I will be able to carry my own phone so much easier.  

     This is perfect for this post!  I know my willpower will get stronger and I will get more determined. But this Monday it was just more fun to talk than to run.

Today, Tuesday, was a complete rest day. I am looking forward to attempting a 3 mile run in the morning before work. Hopefully I can get out the door quick enough to allow the extra time that I need to go that much farther!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Run to the Library! (Win)

Yesterday's three mile run was nice. I decided that today and tomorrow I also need to run three miles in preparation for the 5K on June 8th.  I went out by myself this morning, a little later than usual and with a migraine headache. I didn't know how far I would get with a headache, and a not-so-good night's rest.  But I did it!  I made it the whole way only stopping to wait to cross the streets.

My migraine went away while I was running, but came back while I was making my protein shake this morning. I rested and drank my shake and hoped it would go away after I took a shower, but no such luck.  Hopefully it will go away before tonight so I can sleep better before my morning run tomorrow!

     It was a nice morning. About 64ºF when I left the house at 06:00. The sun was a little higher than when I usually go, but for the most part it felt great.  The moon was higher than yesterday and there were only a few clouds in the sky--not enough to make it humid and sticky.

What Worked:
     Knowing how great I did yesterday really helped me to do better today. I pushed myself and even tried to run faster in the beginning.  It was a new route and so I had lots to look at.  I had some music this morning since I didn't have anyone to talk to or to continually motivate me. This morning it was "Miles Fly By" from  An 80s remix that totally rocked!  I liked it!
What Didn't Work:
     I ran out of Gatorade this morning.  I should be more careful about how much I am drinking during my runs and monitoring my fluids much better.

     I changed the titles of my previous posts and will continue to mark a run or exercise session as a "win" or a "loss."  I was reading about this in Runner's World magazine and it helps to take away the power of one run or one work-out session that is not successful. Because looking back, and looking at the big picture I'll see all the wins and the few losses.  A few losses are okay, one here and there (or almost a whole week of them) doesn't matter! Today was certainly a "win."
Today's run on the road was a little out of my comfort zone, but it is a road that I drive often when I go to the library.  So, I was familiar with it a little.  I can't wait to run tomorrow on the canal road!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yuma AZ Running Warriors Run #1 (Win)

This morning was my first run out with a group of people.  My friend Melissa invited my mom and I out for a Saturday run with Yuma AZ Running Warriors.  About eight of us showed up and ran at our own pace. Mom and I ran together, and Melissa back tracked a few times to check on us and to push us a little too!  I think we both pushed ourselves a little more this morning--I know I did!

After completing 2.87 miles, my longest road run, we opted not to eat breakfast at the restaurant which was the meeting place but to go home instead.  After arriving home I opened up the windows and turned on the fans as it was lovely outside!  I made "breakfast" which I am still enjoying.  Today, I made a shake with 4 oz fat-free milk, 4 oz cold water, 1 scoop whey protein vanilla flavor powder, and 1 cup slightly thawed strawberries blended.  Shake it up in my blender bottle and enjoy!  Very delicious!  On my next trip to the grocery store I am going to pick up other frozen fruit (no sugar added) to have a wider variety available.  

     I had trouble waking up at my normal running time this morning, but still made it out to the mall at 06:00.  It was nice, and cool, and not cloudy at all.  When I was getting in my car I noticed the moon was huge, and about to set. The sun was up and was shining bright!  When I got home, I checked the weather and it was only 69ºF. 

What Worked: 
     It was the first time my mom and I have run on the road since beginning this journey.  We did well and I had a personal record (PR) mile time of 13:37! Woo-hoo!  I really pushed myself today and tried to work on my breathing.  I was able to run quite a bit on the dirt on the side of the road and that was nice. I didn't even fall down!  Everything seemed to be in working order.

What Didn't Work:
     Today something weird happened, that hasn't happened to me before.  I think that I can expect this to continue happening through summer training too.  My sunglasses were fogging up on the inside.  Yuck!  Warm face sweat is disgusting!  That was really my only problem, but mostly it was just uncomfortable because I couldn't see well.  My mom carried my phone in her waist pouch (thanks!) and I kept my ipod in the little pocket of my pants.  Guess that kind of little pouch is another item I should add to my "to buy" list along with an armband for my phone, and digital watch.

     Today, I was thinking about the post with the image of the quote about coming in last is better than not finishing which is better than not starting, but since it wasn't a race and other people were on their second lap when I was just finishing I didn't feel like I was last.  I did feel kind of awesome for getting out and running with experienced runners.  It was a big step and I didn't think that I was ready for it, but it all turned out well!  Monday I am running with Abby and my mom, so that should be another new, fun experience!
     Also, I kind of want to track down my junior high PE teacher, and tell him I am now running a 14 minute mile, and getting faster!  I don't think I ever ran a 14 minute mile in junior high!

This was a great start to a new week. I had a tough week last week, but I am not ready to give up!  I count today's run as a win!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thanks Heavens Today is a Rest Day!

Thank heavens it is a rest day today!  I was up at 05:00 this morning, but opted to stay in bed until my 06:10 alarm went off.  I snoozed twice before getting up and was more tired than if I would have just got out of bed at 05:00.  I was out the door for work on time at least!

Only four more days of school left.  Then I can get up earlier to run and stay out longer on my runs.  I think that I need to really get out there and find some new neighborhoods to run in.  I like running in neighborhoods instead of on the main streets because I feel safer and I am less self conscious.  I should get my bike out and ride around to scout out new places to go.

Tonight I am looking forward to going to see The Great Gatsby!  I've been waiting since last summer to see the movie.  I re-read the book just for the occasion.  I hope it's good!

Tomorrow, I'll run in the morning then again in the afternoon.  After work I'll run at the gym.  It will be awesome, I will be awesome!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Easy Run v. Too Tough Run (Loss)

Okay, so this morning, after reading an old issue of Runner's World magazine, I decided that I needed to change up my running routine.  I decided to throw in an "easy" run to build my confidence and work on a 3:2 breathing technique I started reading about.  

Waking up with my alarm and one three-minute snooze, I was out of bed and starting to get ready.  I ate my breakfast of a cheese stick and 10 almonds, brushed my teeth and once my shoes were on I was out the door.  I set my C25K app for Week One, Day Three.  "This should be easy," I thought to myself.  I will rock the 60-second runs and work on breathing and maybe some speed. 

     I was out the door and ready to go before 05:45.  It was a lovely 61ºF. Not too much smoke in the sky and no smell of smoke.  Very light clouds and crisp morning air!

What Didn't Work:
     Today, I didn't work.  I was able to get through about one and a half 60 second running segments on the app.  I walked most of the time and used the excuse that I was working on my breathing. I didn't even have music playing because I legitimately wanted to work on breathing.  But, my body just wasn't feeling it this morning.  I realized that it was my fourth straight day of running with two runs per day. It was tired even though I didn't feel all that tired. My body needed a rest.  So, I decided that I would take the rest of the day as a true rest day. Tomorrow I will try to sneak in some ab/core exercises and some additional stretching.

What Worked:
     I enjoyed the breathing technique and trying to quiet my "Monkey Mind." I will continue to work on breathing.  The magazine I read last night was very informative. I am glad to have some paper copies (donated by Melissa-thanks!) and will continue to get the magazine online through the Yuma Public Library and  I am sure I will find lots of useful tips in there!

     I know that I will get past these hard days. It will be a great story to tell of when I couldn't even run for 60 seconds at a time!  It will get better. I will get stronger.  I will get faster.  I will go farther! I just need to remember to work on those rest days and to not over work myself.  Next week--strength training at the gym and maybe some cycling!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, Smokey Monday (Win)

A run at the gym is very nice when it is really smokey outside.  Yuck--there is no way I would have been able to run outside this evening.  Very smokey from a fire burning on the Colorado River north of Picacho Peak. It started yesterday, but the wind blew all the smoke into town and the foothills. It was very bad at school and at my parents' house today.

Running at the gym is usually easier than running on the road.  I am having trouble getting started on Week Four on the treadmill, and still having trouble with Week Three on the road.  Yikes--am I going to be ready for the 5K in time?  I guess I should work on distance so that I can survive the 5K and then continue working on stamina.

Tomorrow, depending on the smoke, I will run with a running club.  I hope that it goes well, but I have a feeling I will be very intimidated out there.  I really want to go, but secretly want it to get canceled because of the smoke.

     After leaving school early, picking up the cat and bringing her home, and finally making it to the gym, it was almost 17:00.  A later start than usual.  The radio station said it was 97º and of course there was lots of smoke.  Good thing there are fans and air conditioning inside the gym.  It was a sweaty run, and better than being outside.

What Worked/What Didn't Work:
     I had on the dud pants today, but I am going to stop complaining about them.  I need more pants for running in general, but would like to wait a while to buy some so that I can buy one size smaller.  Running with my mom helped me push myself a little more at the gym today, but I had trouble with the last five minute running segment and had to slow down some and even take a 60 second break in the middle of it!  But, after dinner I came home to a nice Epsom Salt bath and now legs/knees/shins feel perfect! (From that website, I might also try the exfoliating face cleanser, and as a hairspray remover).

    I have two motivations for this afternoon's gym run.  One: Running with my co-worker Abby on Monday along the canal!

If I am last in the race, who cares!  I completed it, and that is better than all those people who didn't participate!

A Case of the Mondays (Win)

I hope that my day is better than my run this morning.  But as I am already a few hours in to my day, it has a chance at turning around.  It is the last Monday of the school year and next weekend is a three day weekend before a two day week!  It only gets better from here!

This morning I tried faster running on my running segments, but I wasn't able to run for the full 3 minutes, but did okay on the 90 second segments.  I really want to look into running in the canals or finding a new route. But after six more school days I wont be short on time in the morning and can go exploring more.  I will try to explore around my house, so that after I move I will have a whole new area to explore.

     I was out the door at 05:45 this morning. It was cool at 65ºF but I was still glad to have on my new tank top that I got yesterday.  It wasn't cloudy, but there was smoke in the air from a fire burning yesterday afternoon.  It was yucky to look at, but luckily didn't smell like smoke where I was or I would have stayed home.

What Worked:
     This morning I was quick to get out of bed (within five minutes of my alarm going off) and was out the door pretty quickly.  Everything was going well, but I was just tired.  I've been loving running on the treadmill at it is much harder out on the road.  But, I find it easier on the road to set distance goals.  Today, during my last three minute running segment I didn't think I would make it after a short walk break in the middle, but I said I would run to the only trashcan that was on the curb, and I ended up running to the mailbox at the next house!  It doesn't seem like much, but it felt awesome to push myself and then go a little further, even if it was only 15 feet!

What Didn't Work:
     Still running with a stitch in my side in the beginning. Luckily it goes away after a few minutes of running.  But today I really felt like my breathing was all over the place.  I try to breathe in through my nose for three counts, and breathe out through my mouth for two counts, but sometimes I am just huffing and puffing and it still doesn't seem to help.  Working on my breathing will surely help me to be a better runner.  I'll keep working on it.

     I've started following a blog called "Lazy Girl Running" by a girl in the UK. Please check it out!  My mom sent me the link to her blog about a post where she was ready to run only days after having a benign tumor removed from her breast.  I've followed it since then. But this morning's post about her first triathlon was really motivational!  She had a rough start, but made it and did better than she expected!  Not that I am going to be doing any triathlons soon--she's giving me the motivation I need to continue training for my upcoming 5K.  Way to go Laura Fountain!  Way to go April!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Longest Gym Run (Win)

Today was my longest gym run. I am very proud of myself for going as far, and as long as I did today.!

I started with a five minute warm up at 2.5 mph, then started the C25K app on Week One, Day Three and walked the warm up at 3.0 and followed the program until it said I was half way there. Then I switched to Week Three, Day Three and still walked through the five minute warm up, and completed the run/walk program.  I walked at 3.0 during the cool down, after running the last minute of the last walking segment. After that was over, I did a real cool down for an extra five minutes and decreased the speed by 0.5 every minute.

     I left the house around 10:00 but needed to make a quick stop at Walgreens first. Then I finally headed out to the gym.  It was already pretty warm but not too humid and no clouds.  When I got home, I checked the temperature and it was a nice 94ºF.

What Worked:
     This morning everything seemed to work. I had my iPod going with the mix from Rock-My-Run and mixed up my routine and had a strawberry watermelon Gatorade, and all was well.  I am very proud of myself for my run today. I am glad that I was able to go almost as far as a 5K, and do it in under an hour. Only a few weeks left until the Firehose FunRun 5K at MCAS, and I need to work on distance as much as I work on stamina.

What Didn't Work:
     I guess the only thing that I can say that didn't work today was my towel at the gym.  It kept trying to fall off the dashboard of the treadmill.  I caught it a few times, but one time I had to stop someone and ask them to pick it up for me.  Luckily the guy was nice and did.  I think it is a lighter weight towel than what I usually use, I ended up sticking it in the cup holder with my small bottle of Gatorade that kept rattling around. All in all, everything went well today.

I thought about this today while I was running.  Was I running because I wanted to? Yes. Was I running because I had Macaroni and Cheese for dinner last night? No. Was I running because I knew I would feel better for the rest of the day if I did? Yes. Was I running because I want to run faster and be stronger, and run farther? Yes.

I am kind of starting to really enjoy this!  Didn't want to run today, but I did. Feeling great--especially with the longest gym run I've done yet! It's only going to get better!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Walk With Zoey (Win)

I went for a walk tonight with Zoey, my mom and dad's corgi that I am watching over night. During the walk I finally hit 10,000 steps for the day!  It was just getting dark when we left, but it was long enough after out dinners that I didn't get a stomach ache, and she pooped, and pooped, and pooped.  She did great--and now I know she'll sleep through the night.  Hopefully there wont be any accidents in the night on the floor of my apartment.

     We left the house about 19:30, it was still light out but I didn't need my sunglasses.  It was warm, about 87ºF with very few clouds.  It was nice. Would have been nicer to be a little cooler. But then again it will only get hotter as the summer progresses and then I will be wishing for the days of an evening walk at 87ºF.  

What Worked:
     Walking with Zoey was nice, but we weren't able to go very far.  I could have gone for a longer walk, but she was really slowing down.  I tried to make it a short walk, but she would have been glad to have shorter.  I saw a few cats, and one time some big dogs startled us both.  But there still wasn't much activity at this time of day in the same neighborhood where I run in the mornings.

What Didn't Work:
     I wish I would have had plain water in my water bottle to share some with Zoey towards the end. I didn't think it was wise to share blue Gatorade with her, even though I watered it down a little.  She got some water once we returned home.

This showed up in my Facebook news feed today. Thanks KT Tape for the encouragement!  I took off the tape on my right knee two nights ago and haven't had any problems since.  Thought I might have to go back to a shin application, but still doing great!

Friday/Saturday Runs (Loss / Win)

Friday morning started off with a very difficult run. I had a hard time trying to find a rhythm and just felt uncomfortable over all.  I ended up walking only 0.85 miles that morning and getting home early to leave early for work and what would end up being a disaster of a day.  I did, however, turn it all around with a run at the gym in the late afternoon. Did much better than in the morning.  It went well, and everything was working. I did have some knee/leg pain in my right leg, but it didn't last long.  I hope that is because I am getting stronger!

Saturday I woke up early with the intention of going early to the gym to run, but ended up sleeping in for another few hours.  I finally got out of bed and made it to the gym about 10:30.  There were more people at the gym then I expected.  I added a five minute warm up at 2.5 mph before beginning the five minute warm up with the app at 3.0 mph.  I kept my running at a speed of 5.0 mph, and used the five minute cool down on the app to walk at 3.0 mph then walked for another five minutes and decreased my speed by 0.50 mph every minute. I think I need only two more runs with the Week Three program and I will be good to continue on with Week Four. Max heart rate today was my highest at 175!  Woo-hoo!  No leg pain this morning, and all went well!

This morning I had a great run, and all it took was getting out of bed and going! I was glad for this morning's run, it totally makes up for yesterday's not-so-good morning run.  But then again, it was on par for my not-so-good day yesterday.

Here's to Tomorrow!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Two Rest Days In A Row?!

Yes, I had two very busy days this week and decided to take those days as my rest days this week.  Two in a row might help my knee feel better tomorrow, I am hoping a rest will let everything feel a little better tomorrow for my runs.  And, they have truly been rest days.  Wednesday I slept in a little and went to bed early, and today I tried to sleep in a little, but still got up later than I do on mornings when I run.

I am looking forward to my morning run tomorrow, and especially seeing what the weather has in store for me.  Earlier this week it was very warm in the morning compared to last week, but then Wednesday (of course) it was cooler.  I am hoping for a break tomorrow and that I will get a temperature in the 60s.  That would be perfect.

Tomorrow after a school field trip I'll attempt a run at the gym with my friend Katie!  Looking forward to it.  Then I will keep up my schedule of runs over the weekend and will have to find a day or two next week for rest days.  I love them, but sometimes I wish I was out running!

I am looking forward to summer break from school so that I have more time to run. It will be much hotter so I will have to spend a little more time in the gym on the treadmill, but in the mornings I wont be on such a time crunch and can get in some distance with just walking to help me build my stamina.  Also, I will have the opportunity to run with some other people.  I am hoping to run with Melissa before she moves and with Abby!

Down six pounds!

     See what you want to be. Believe.

I am a runner!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Successful Morning Run (Win)

This morning I tried to mix it up a little bit with the path that I was running.  I think it was the first time I had been down a few of those side streets.  I am seeing a few cars parked at houses that I often see on the road.  Now when I see them driving around I will think, "I know where you live."  I want to take a long walk this weekend and find some new houses to run through.  This neighborhood is comfortable for me, but I feel like I need some new scenery.  I am not ready for running at the park with lots of other people, but I will get there.

I had some good music playing this morning. Justin Timberlake's "Sexyback" and Lady Gaga's "Boys, Boys, Boys" kept me going during the three-minute running segments. But I finally made it through both of them today!  Yay me!  Going to the gym after a meeting this afternoon and hope to have better success with Week Four, Day One than I did yesterday.  I wish that I wasn't under such a time crunch to train for the upcoming 5K (only three weeks and three days to go).  But, it is helping in a way because I know I have to keep going and not take too many lazy days rest days.  

     I checked my phone's weather app when I got out of bed this morning and I thought that it had stopped working, and that I should check the weather on my computer just to be sure.  The phone said 77º and my computer said 79º.  Not fair!  How is it 15 degrees hotter this week than it was last week?!  I was out the door at 05:45 this morning in the, let's call it, 78º weather. No clouds, but it was windy.  Hot wind is no fun.  It is like a hair dryer.

What Worked:
     Again, I had lots of things going for me this morning.  I set distance goals for myself when I was running and one time even passed it thinking I only had about ten seconds left, and it turned out I did have only ten seconds left.  I tried to concentrate on breathing through my nose, but eventually just concentrated on the words to the songs I was listening too because that made it a little easier to push through and get to the end of the running segments!

What Didn't Work:
     Not my pants, they were fine!  It was actually my bra this morning that did not want to stay put.  I ended up taking out my phone because I was afraid it would fall out.  It is a brand new phone and I didn't want it cracked or scratched already (even though it is in a nice case with a good screen protector).  It is a newer bra that I bought for the Grand Canyon trip, but maybe it will be time for some new sports bras.

     It wasn't really motivation during my run, but when I got home and was getting ready for work, I was able to buckle my belt on a new hole!  A never before used belt hole!  Yay!  

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Metallica Run (Win)

Today at the gym I was working on Week Four, Day One of my C25K app.  It was tough, I mean wicked tough!  I am still trying to get through the Week Three programs out on the road, so starting Week Four on the treadmill today was even tougher. But I need to start pushing myself so that I can be ready for the Firehose Fun Run 5K next month.  A song come on while I was running, and it really helped me along.  This song was a favorite of me and my best friend in high school and (community) college.  We used to listen to it pretty loud while driving around in her big truck.  But today it was a great motivator to push my self through the second five-minute running segment.  I slowed only for 30 seconds in the middle and pushed on.  It felt great!

     I am not going to say it was bloody hot--that doesn't happen until July. But it was pretty gross outside.  On my way home from the gym at 17:30 it was stil 105ºF! (Thanks Maman, for showing me the keyboard shortcut for the degree sign. On my mac it is just alt+0.) Wowza!  It is only going to get warmer!  Thank heavens for the fans and a/c inside the gym.

What Worked:
     Today I had work to bring home from school--so of course I wanted to go to the gym. Actually, I haven't wanted to go to the gym this much since before I started running.  That is a great thing!
     I also stretched after running on the floor mats with my mom.  Luckily my lower back isn't as tense as it was last week, and stretching really helped to relieve the pain in my right knee.
     KT tape held up very well today and worked great to relive pain in my knee throughout the day. Yay!
     Music was a great motivator today.  Loved it!  Especially the (gasp) Fergie song, with the line, "My body stays vicious, I be up in the gym, just working on my fitness. [S]he's my witness."  Please excuse the bad grammar, that's not my bad grammar!

What Didn't Work:
     Had a great run this afternoon. Still need to work on powering through and remembering:
body over mind!

     Gimme fuel, gimme fire, Give me that which I desire..."

Getting Stronger (Win)

I was up just before my alarm this morning and was already giving myself a peptalk about going on a morning run.  I had some trouble going to sleep last night. Probably because I got home from a 3.65 mile walk only an hour before trying to go to bed.  But, I got my butt out of bed a little early and worked on trying to complete Week Three, Day Three on the road.  It was still tough, but I am going to move on to Week Four this afternoon on the treadmill at the gym, and then tomorrow morning try Week Three again.  I was doing really well when the running segments were shorter, but it is getting harder to go for longer segments.  

My knee was hurting again this morning.  The same one as last night. So I busted out my trusty KT Tape and watched the video online and taped it up.  Already feeling better.  I hope that it lasts a few days and gives me an opportunity to strengthen the muscles around my knee so that it too gets stronger.

     Yes, Yuma summer is just around the corner!  It was 71*F when I got out of the house at 05:45 today.  I don't think there were any clouds, and there certainly wasn't a breeze.  It was a nice morning.  Lots of people already leaving for work.

What Worked:
     Today I had my water bottle, my electronics, and my new running shoes!  Everything went great!  I seemed to have good songs coming up on my playlist and that kept me motivated.  I am really getting to know the neighborhood that I run in, so I can set distance goals for my self when I am getting tired. For example, "I am going to run to the house with the black cat in the grass," or "I am going to run to the house that is behind my apartment."  I think that I do need to branch out a little and find more places to run.  The only thing is that I am usually afraid of taking too long in the morning and not getting back to my apartment in time to shower and leave for work on time. Luckily, I only have to worry about that for another 11 school days!

What Didn't Work:
     Dud pants on this morning.  Boo.
     Also, needed more motivation to remember that I can still breathe and that my legs were not falling out from under me, even if it kind of feels like they are.

While I am not really at a point where running is easy, I do certainly feel like I am getting stronger!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Feed The Cat Walk (Win)

I'm cat-sitting for the weekend and needed to go over sometime this evening to check on Leila's food, water and clean her box.  Katie texted me just as I was thinking I should go over to check on Leila and asked me if I wanted to go walking.  Yep, as long as she didn't mind going to see the cat with me. So we walked, and walked, and walked!

It was good because I got to try out my new running shoes that I got today.  Nike Free 3.0 in purple and pink.  They are hot shit!  I also had on my new running socks in baby pink, my new lighted armband, and brought along my new hand-held water bottle by Nathan.  Of course I had my FitBit Zip with me--I never go anywhere without Olive.  She had a busy day, and so far has tracked 20,107 steps!  Awesome--I finally beat the 20,000 milestone (I mean stepstone).

Last week, according to the Fitbit website, I walked 96,102 steps which equals 43.52 miles!  I burned 20,392 calories!  Awesome!

    Tonight's weather was warm and not even breezy.  A little breeze would have been nice to cool us off.  It was 98*F when we left at 19:20.  It was only 90*F, and very dark when we returned home.  This is just a peek at what summer training will be like.  I can only imagine earlier mornings for slightly cooler temperatures, and possibly trips to the gym to get in exercise in the evening.  Thank goodness for Planet Fitness and my $10/month membership!

What Worked:
     Tonight I had a lot going for me!  A great run this morning gave me confidence for tonight's longer walk.  My new shoes were fun and comfortable.  I had Strawberry Lemonade Powerade in my little bottle and someone to walk and talk with.  Pants even worked, although they were cotton (gasp!) "walking carpis" from Old Navy.  

What Didn't Work:
     I was a little sore almost to the end of the first leg of our walk.  I stretched a little on the foor at my friend's house and then I felt better on the walk back.  I feel good now, but will feel better after a nice hot shower.  

   Today was the longest distance I have gone since beginning this journey.  I went just a little farther than I will need to go next month for the 5K Firehose FunRun.  So, I better get running!  Ready to do it again tomorrow morning.

Late Morning Run With Mom (Loss / Win)

This morning, I attempted another run.  Again, it didn't go well.

Friday was my rest day, and then Saturday ended up being another rest day.  Friday was a late night, and going to bed at midnight was not a good idea when waking up at 5:20am to run. So I slept in and said I would go out in the evening.  Then I went to bed early, so Saturday turned out to be a really lazy day with only 2681 steps an no runs.

But, this morning I got up and moved very slowly. I made it out the door but only made it 1.14 miles.

     I was out the door at 06:00. it was 70*F already!  No clouds, but that would have only made it humid and sticky.  Yuck!
     When I left for the gym it was 09:50. It was very warm already, in the mid 90s. But it didn't matter because I'd be running in the gym with my mom. We'd be under the fans with the a/c running.  It would be nice.

What Didn't Work:
     This morning I forgot water, and thought about it, but didn't go back to get it.  I didn't try very much this morning and I was tired. Very tired.
     At the gym this morning, everything seemed to work.  Maybe my pants (why are there always problems with my pants?) could have been fresh, but they didn't seem to be much of a problem while running at the gym.

What Worked:
     I don't know what worked this morning, nothing really.
     During the gym I had a bottle of blue Gatorade that was delicious, good tunes, and CNN on the TV in front of me.  It was a perfect run and I did great during all the running segments and even ran the last minute of walking before the cool down.

     It should have been more motivating than it was.  Minus Five.
     I had a chance to read a little before going to the gym this morning, and I kept thinking about the character in the book.  I'm reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.  The girl, Hazel, had thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs.  She is on constant oxygen and often sleeps with a BiPAP machine.  I kept thinking about her while running at the gym this morning, and that she might enjoy running, if she could. And that she would probably have a greater appreciation for it. 

 Gym Run: 1.78 miles in 31.50 minutes.  Run 90 seconds (5.0 mph), walk 90 seconds (3.0 mph), run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes (repeat).  Cool down 5 minutes and speed slowed to 1.5 on treadmill

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Evening Walk (Win)

Went on a walk this evening with my friend Katie.  After an inauspicious trip to the gym this afternoon I was unable to run on the treadmill.  I forgot to pack socks in my gym bag this morning.  Oh geez!  I was so mad at myself.  Of course this morning I would forget something ridiculous like that.  So, I went wandering at Bed Bath & Beyond looking at curtains, towels, and bathroom stuff.  I came home to eat dinner (not Del Taco like I really, really wanted) and settled in with Pinterest.  I'd asked Katie to run with me this afternoon, but she said no.  Then, during some later texts about her upcoming puppy adoption she agreed to go for a walk.  We walked hiked up to the hospital and turned around to come back home.  We should have left a little earlier than we did so we weren't out walking in the dark, but we were on lit streets and walking against traffic on the sidewalk. It was a nice walk.

     We left and met in between our apartments about 19:20.  It was still light out, but only a few minutes before the sunset time.  It was slightly breezy, and about 80*F.

What Worked:
     Again, it was nice walking with a friend.  And, after this morning going for a walk was less daunting then going for a run.  I'm so thankful that tomorrow is rest day (and Bunko).  We each had Endomondo running on our phones and I had my FitBit Zip on.  Today, so far, I've walked 18,786 steps, which translates to 8.41 miles!  

What Didn't Work:
     I only wished that I had brought some water when we were climbing walking up the hill.  I did fine without it, but it still would have been nice to have a little bit of fluids with me.  But it was a quick decision to go on the walk, at least I had socks.

While I was intimidated to go on a run tonight, I was surely glad that I got out for a nice walk.  Just getting out and walking is more than I would have done two weeks ago, or 10 days ago.  Just getting out and moving my feet is good, moving them fast is great!

Horrible Morning Run (Loss)

Horrible morning run today.

     I was a little late getting out of the house this morning, out the door about 5:50am.  It was 64*F by my phone's weather app.  Lovely and cool, only six minutes after the sunrise time.

What Didn't Work:

    Everything didn't work.  I was too in my head and wasn't just moving with my feet.  I had a stitch in my side that never went away.  I was late getting on the road and was overly concerned with the time and getting home to be able to take a shower and get ready for work while still leaving early to make a quick trip to Walmart before arriving at work.  I just wasn't trying.

What Worked:
     Nothing seemed to go right this morning.  

     I didn't seem to have much motivation this morning. Maybe this will help me get through my afternoon run at the gym!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gym Day (Win)

I went running this afternoon at the gym with my mom today.  I think that it is easier to run on the treadmill than to run on the road, so I decided to jump ahead and run Week Three, Day One today instead of doing another Week Two, Day Three program.  It worked out pretty well.  Week Three throws in 3 full minutes of running!  Yikes!  I wasn't ready for it the first time, but the last time I was able to keep going for the full three minutes (yay me!).  I turned over my ipod in the dock on the treadmill so that I wasn't watching the countdown.

I checked at my Walmart later tonight to see if they had any flashing light arm bands for when I go out running or walking in the dark.  They had about six on the shelf, but only one of them lit up and it was so dim I had to cup my hands around the arm band to see if it was on.  Forget it!  I'll wait, or check another Walmart.  Maybe Target will have something!  

What worked:
     It was very helpful to turn around my ipod so that I wasn't watching the times that I had remaining for running.  When I am out of the road I have my ipod in my pocket so I am not able to check the time and I just have to go as far as my feet will take me. Today they did a great job!

What Didn't Work:
     Everything seemed to go well at the gym today.  I didn't enjoy having baseball on the TV ahead of me, but I was able to catch some CNN without captions.  When I run at the gym I pick a focus point across from me and concentrate on that--so the TV wasn't really a problem. I just didn't find the game all that exciting.

     In my classroom we sometimes play "Math Game" which is when I put problems on the white board and the kids have to solve them to earn points.  Today I was working with one student and he wanted to play, but he wanted me to play too.  He was going to write up math problems for me to solve. This meant that I needed a "team name."  I asked him to pick mine (his team was called "Ninja Mode"), and he picked "Princess Fulmer." Thanks buddy, do I ever look or act like a princess?  I guess I should be flattered.  
p.s.  He beat me by one point!

My Head Wants to Give Up (Win)

The alarm went off at 05:19 and it was really tough trying to get out of bed.  I think I will move it back to my previous time of 05:25.  I was out the door at the same time, and stayed in bed for a few minutes. It was a beautiful run this morning. Week Two, Day Three was tough.  One more attempt at the gym this afternoon and then I am moving on to Week Three.  Trying to fit an 8 week program into five weeks is going to be difficult--but the pay off will be awesome.  I'll love running the Firehose FunRun 5K at YMCAS on June 8th.

     I was out the door by 05:45 this morning. It was cloudy and cool. Clean, crisp air is great to run in!  The temperature from my phone's weather app said it was 62*F.  For weather, I use the app (it is FREE!).  I love it.  I always use Wunderground on my computer to check the weather at school.

What Didn't Work:
     This morning my ipod wasn't working.  The battery was getting low on Monday at the gym and I forgot to plug it in to charge is.  I am so used to having that ipod on the iHome in the kitchen or the dock in my bedroom that I don't have to remember to charge it.  Luckily I was able to use my phone to run both the C25K app and Endomondo.  I just didn't have any music to listen to.
     Again, with the pants... It seems I have one dud pair of compression capris and I wore them again this morning.  They were better than last time, but still a little uncomfortable.  I just didn't let it get to me as much this morning as I had the last time I wore them.  I guess I will have to save them for walking days!

What Worked:
     Not having music kind of worked this morning.  It was nice to be in my head a little bit.  I didn't think about getting a new student in my class, or about testing next week, or about what we are going to do in class for a Mother's Day Project, or anything.  I just kept thinking about continuing on!  Thinking about running. Thinking about keeping my back upright instead of hunched over a little.  Thinking about how my shins were feeling much better than they did last week without the KT Tape.  Thinking about running at the gym tonight with my mom.  Thinking about the Firehose FunRun. Thinking about the ducks flying, the cat hiding in the grass, and the doves walking around in the yards. It was a nice run!
     Removed the KT Tape last night after four days.  The edges were peeling quite badly where the top of my socks are.  It was easier than pulling off a band-aid.  The tape came off cleanly and easily.  I removed it before taking a shower so that I could scrub my legs if any residue was left--which there wasn't!

     Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!  Ha ha ha.  I wasn't swimming this morning, but it popped into my head a few times when I was pushing my body to go on when my brain wanted me to stop.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I Need A Run

Who thought that I would ever be saying that?  Not me!

I got an email this afternoon stating that a parent will be contacting me to observe my classroom to decide if it is the right fit for her daughter who is currently in another special education program at another school.

Okay, so I have 12 kids right now.  About 4-5 too many for my Autism program. Adding another student right now is silly, there are only 15 more days of school left.  Even waiting until next school year would only increase my class size from an expected 13 to 14! It is too many kids and not enough support. It is just pure ridiculousness!

While I was enjoying my rest day, I am now wishing that I could go out for a run and push through the impending stress of yet another new student (5th new students since winter break, 6th this school year).  I will honor my rest day, and keep it holy.

Plus, I already took of my KT Tape and will tape up again tomorrow morning after my run if I need to.  I probably should wake up extra early so that I can go even farther and longer and push through this work stress.  Later this week, and interview to teach summer school with my own district for five hours a day for ten days.

Time for my other stress relief--starting a new book from the library!

Remember the 4th Commandment for Runners

I am thankful that today is REST DAY!  I could go for some runs today--but it will be beneficial to also have a day of rest so that I can give my shins a break, and let the blister heal on my foot.  It was harder waking up at 06:20 this morning than it has been waking up at 05:20 to run.  Guess that just shows that I am more motivated to get up and run than I am to get up and go to work.  Only 15 more school days, and only 22 more calendar days until the end of the school year!  Then I can start my 04:30 runs because the heat will be in full force!  Although, come August and September I don't know what I will do (except run a 10K in preparation for the half-marathon in February!)

A day of rest is also needed since after my run at the gym yesterday my legs were very sore and tired and I wasn't able to go for a walk with my friend, Katie, to Subway for dinner.  As soon as I got out on the road to meet her (it is only a quarter of a mile to her apartment) I knew we needed to drive the half mile to Subway or not go at all. Luckily Katie agreed to drive.  We sat outside (in the wind) and had a nice dinner.

For dinner tonight we'll be going to Chipotle for buy-one-get-one in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.  I'll still try to make it as healthy as possible, but you can't beat that offer except with a free meal for each person like McDonalds is offering. Since I despise McDonalds Chipotle will be good enough!

Friday the 10th will be my next rest day.  It is Bunko night!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Meet Olive

Olive is the name of my FitBit Zip.  Since she smiles at me to let me know how happy she is about my level of activity, I thought that she needed a name.  Olive suits her nicely because of the green color of the clip.

Oh, Olive has had quite the day counting up all my steps.  So far I've walked 18,269 at 18:00 since waking up at 05:25 today.  I hit 5,000 by the time the tardy bell rang at school, and 10,000 a few minutes after lunch recess ended.  The 15,000 occurred at the gym while I was running (second run of the day).

This afternoon I completed Week Two, Day Two on the treadmill.  It was the same as this morning, but I was able to run through all the running parts and not skip any like I did this morning.  Still, I am proud of myself!  Considering that last Monday I was only thinking about starting to run and become a runner. Now, I am!

     It is 83*F out right now, but it was a nice, warmish temperature in the gym.  Arrived at the gym around 16:30 and was ready to go!

What Worked:
     Knowing that I already did the C25K Week Two, Day One program this morning and that I surely would be able to do it again on the treadmill.  Having water while running, and a fresh slather of chap stick was nice too!  It was also fun to watch "Untold Stories of the ER" on the gym's TV (with captions!).
     Also, a dozen trips to the printer at school helped rack up those steps!

What Didn't Work:
     Nothing. Everything went well with my gym run.  Except, that I forgot to write down my actual time and distances from the treadmill.

Keeping Olive smiling.
     tomorrow is a full rest day!  Sleeping in and no gym.

Happy Monday (Win)

Good morning, and happy Monday.

Got up this morning, a few minutes after my alarm, but I got up!  I was out the door fairly quickly, but didn't get started right away.  I had a delicious pre-run breakfast of 10 almonds and a cheese stick with fruit punch Gatorade.  After returning home I was quick to get ready for work.  Soaking wet KT Tape was interesting this morning while I was trying to get dressed for work, but standing in front of my big box fan helped to dry them.  The blister on my heel looks worse than it did yesterday, but tomorrow is Rest Day, so that will give it some time to heal.

     I was out the door about 05:50.  The weather was crisp and cool. The weather app on my phone said 64*F.  It was beautiful and I didn't get too sweaty in the morning air.

What Didn't Work:
     My C25K app wasn't working this morning.  When I got out the door I went to start up Week Two, Day One and it said I already completed that work out. So I tried the next one and the third one for Week Two, but they all said they were completed.  Then, I tried reseting the app and erasing all my date.  That didn't help. I had to delete and re-download the app to be able to start again.  Oy!

What Worked:
     KT Tape is still holding up after two days and two showers.  Still helping with pain in my shins!  It seems to be a little loose around the edges on my ankles, but I'll be glad if the whole thing holds up for another two days.
     Half a bottle of Gatorade was nice to have on the run.  It was fruit punch flavor, which I generally don't like.  it was okay. I was glad to have the cold fluids no matter how it tasted.

     I read an article this weekend about being a slow runner.  It was great because no one cares if you are a slow runner.  And, that everyone is self conscious about being a slow runner.  Running, even if slowly, is better than not running at all!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

10,000 Steps+ / An Evening Stroll (Win)

Today I managed to walk over 10,000 steps!  This included my run this morning and a walk tonight.  It did not include a trip to Dollar Tree, Fry's grocery store, and an afternoon at my parents' house.  It did not include steps for about 4 1/2 hours because I left my FitBit at home.  I changed from my capris into pants before going to the stores and my mom's house (mostly so I didn't have to walk around in the stores with my bright pink KT Tape) and left the FitBit on my capris.  Luckily, it was at home on the bed instead of having been tossed in the laundry with my other clothes while at Mom and Dad's.  

After getting home, I still managed to fit in a walk with my friend and co-worker Katie.  It wasn't a very fast walk, but we got out for a walk nonetheless.  I managed to have a stitch in my side most of the time. 

     We left our apartments about 20:00 and met in the middle.  It was cloudy, windy and about 75*F.  The temperature was just right, but could have done without the wind.

What Worked:
     It was nice walking with someone.  We walked along and talked about a bunch of stuff.  It was especially nice going with someone since it was late and very dark out.  

What Didn't Work:
     Bringing half a bottle of Gatorade and hand weights. Do I look like I have three hands to carry all this stuff?  I just alternated the weight and the water while walking while Katie did the same with the other weight.  I was glad to have the water, but will bring the weights when walking alone and concentrating on walking faster.  

Picture from
There is always time for a walk or a run. Just get out the door and let your feet take you where they will. Even if it is only to 20th Street.

On The Road (Win)

Yes!  Yesterday I completed one of the Week One days in the C25K app at the gym.  It was an awesome feeling.  I rewarded myself, not with sunglasses, but with a Fitbit Zip.  On sale at Best Buy for $49.  I got the green one--it's cute.  I think it is a better first goal reward since I already have some sunglasses that I can wear.  My new Fitbit will tell me how many steps I walked in a day (like a pedometer), the distance those steps add up to (miles per day), and the approximate number of calories I burned with my steps.  It syncs with my computer wirelessly, and with my phone via Bluetooth.  It is linked to my Facebook and to Endomondo!  It's pretty neat!  So far this morning (at 07:49) I've walked 5,434 steps I bet I will easily pass 10,000 today!

This morning I was able to complete Week One, Day Three out on the road!  I found a quiet neighborhood near my apartment that was nice to run in.  And, there were only about three cars driving by which meant that I could run on the asphalt instead of the sidewalk and still be safe.  I liked being in the neighborhood with no one around instead of out on the main street because I was less self conscious about running--especially with long pieces of bright pink tape on my legs.  But, once it was time for coffee at Starbucks I was over it and actually was hoping that someone would ask me about the tape.

     I left the house at 06:00 this morning.  Again, a little trouble getting out of bed this morning.  The weather app on my phone said it was 65*F.  The sun was coming up and there were a few clouds in the sky.  A beautiful morning.

What Worked:
     Everything!  Pants worked. Tape worked. Half a bottle of Gatorade worked. 
     Pants were brand new compression capris from Old Navy.  They stayed in place nicely and were very comfortable.  I love those pants!
     KT Tape did wonders for my shin splints!  I was surprised that my leg bones are no longer trying to escape through my skin while I am running and it is even helping with some of the pain after I am done.  I need to find some good exercises to help strengthen the front shin muscle so that it wont hurt so much.  But for now, the tape is great.  
     Since I was running today and wanted to be able to finish the C25K Week One, Day Three program I decided to take some fluids with me.  I had just opened a bottle of Gatorade and poured half of it in an empty bottle from yesterday.  It was great and I tried to take only small sips so that it would last while I was out.  I think that I am going to get some of those little 8 oz water bottles that would fit more easily in the palm of my hand.  

What Didn't Work:
     Foam blister tape didn't work today.  Yesterday's blister was bigger and more tender after my run on the treadmill at the gym.  Decided to go out running this morning and wasn't going to let one (kind of big) blister stop me in my first week.  Under two layers of foam tape it still popped.  Oh well, better now than to worry about a full blister for three days.  Birkenstocks all day so that it can dry and heal and hopefully be ready for another run tomorrow morning before work.
     Forgot my sunglasses.  But luckily I was okay without them this morning.

     Today's motivation was simple.  I ran yesterday at the gym, which is much easier than running out on the street. So, I knew that I had to go out this morning and do it again!  I feel like I have accomplished so much in just five days!  Going from the idea that running should only be for when someone or something is chasing you (or a student runs out of your classroom and you have to go find him) to making it something that is fun and enjoyable.  It is starting to get fun, and starting to get enjoyable.  Looking forward to rocking the Firehose 5K Fun Run, and picking the half-marathon that I will run in February!  So far, thinking about the Run RockNRoll in Pasadena!

5K Active Logo-From website.

Below it is listed as "running" but it was mostly walking since I walked to Starbucks after completing my run, but left the Endomondo running. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I did it! (Win)

At the gym, with my mom, ran Week 1 Day 1 of C25K on the treadmill.
So proud of myself. Time for goal #1 reward- sports sunglasses!

Starbucks Is A Great Motivator! (Win)

The alarm goes off at 05:25 this morning and I almost don't want to get up.  On my phone (which is my alarm) I check emails and Facebook while laying in bed.  Then I decide that if I don't get out of bed that I will have to be mad at myself for not getting up and walking this morning.  

No coffee in the pot?!  Not even day-old coffee in the pot!?  No problem--just walk to Starbucks.  The closest Starbucks is only a half mile walking distance from my house (or about a 4 minute drive).  But, you can't get something for nothing, so I decided to walk farther than I did yesterday morning then I could go get coffee.  I walked to 16th Street, turned around went past my apartment and on to The Bux!  It was not even 07:00 yet.  The only other people inside were a guy reading a newspaper and a bicyclist.  I had a tall, skinny, cinnamon dolce latte at kids' temperature (actual drinking temperature). It was delicious!  

I paused the Endomondo while I was in getting my coffee. Yet when I went to turn it off when I got home it has already stopped.  I don't know how or where it turned off, but I probably went a little farther than the 2.65 miles it says.

     I left the house at 06:00.  It was clear and bright.  There was no wind!  It was about 65*F when I left the house, 68*F when I got home.  

What Worked:
     Starbucks worked!  I was bored while I was walking this morning and wishing I could take a nap between my walk, street clean up with Las Dedicadas, the gym with my mom, drinks at The Pint House in the evening, and then a 6 year old's birthday party.  Yikes!  Become a runner and also have a thousand things to do on the weekend on top of it all.
     Electronics worked this morning.  I think that I am going to have to put some music on my phone--then I only have to take my phone with me.  I will only have to bring my ipod when I am using the C25K app.

What Didn't Work:
     Somehow my socks didn't work today.  I have a blister on the back of my right heel--that's never happened before with these socks.  I was wearing my Saucony running shoes, and my gray REI hiking socks that I used for training for the Grand Canyon hike and that I used earlier this week.  For some reason they were just rubbing the wrong way this morning.  Hopefully it doesn't continue because I can't afford to buy 10 pairs of $14.99 running socks that are pretty much the same as these socks.

     We all know the answer to that one... Starbucks.
It was just the right size and the skinny version is still pretty tasty even if there is no whip on top.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Clothing Makes All The Difference (Win)

Oy, that title makes it sound like I was running naked--yikes!  Not even close.  Tonight's running ensamble was exactly what I wore this morning: purple REI top (as seen in my current profile picture) and Old Navy compression capris, with Saucony running shoes.  Yes, wearing the capris a second time was not a good idea.  They were not as compression-y as they were this morning and were all over the place while I was trying to run running. When I started to run the waist of my pants folded and started to slide down.  The pants are about mid-calf length, but during any running segments they creeped up to my knees. Since I can't run while trying to hold my pants in a comfortable position I decided to walk the entire time.  A lazy excuse--I know, but also a lesson learned.

     Started walking at 19:30. The sun was setting and it was 88*F out with high, thin clouds.  The lights around the complex were not even on yet--but they should have been.

What didn't work:
      Pants!  My pants didn't work!  Hello laundry bills with all the extra clothes to wash since I can only wear some of them once.  Maybe next time I will wear the compression pants the first time for a run in the evening and then save them for my morning walk (unless they are really, really sweaty).  I need to change ear buds--the ones that came with my phone don't seem to stay in my ears.

What worked:
     Electronics set up!  Ipod was running C25K and the app was playing Mumford and Sons. I had my phone running Endomondo while quietly stashed away.  I downloaded a mix from for free tonight, but wasn't able to load it onto my ipod before going out.  I'll try again tomorrow.

     While it seems like I didn't have much motivation tonight but only had excuses, I kept walking after the first lap and went almost the same distance as I did this morning.  Getting out of the house wasn't the problem--the pants were!

A mile is still a mile!

*If you look at the graph below notice the elevation.  Somehow walking laps around my apartment complex I went below sea level.  Wow!

Morning Walk (Win)

Good Morning, and what a good morning it was for me.  I woke up at 05:25 and was out the door at 05:45 for a brisk walk for thirty minutes.  I decided to get out of my comfort zone and try walking along the street instead of just walking laps around my apartment complex.  It was a good choice.  I planned only to walk this morning to help myself get used to going out in the morning.

It was a beautiful 68*F and the sun was up enough to need to wear my sunglasses.  It was breezy, but not unbearable.

Yesterday was 'rest day.' I was a little restless in the afternoon and really wanted to get out and try "Week 1, Day 1" again on C25K. But, getting in a day of rest will help me be prepared for the weekend.  I am already looking forward to trying it again this evening!

What Worked:
     This morning I brought along my ipod for some music.  Played Matchbox 20, and Dropkick Murphys.  It was nice and I was able to squeeze my ipod into the tiny chap-stick pocket of my new Old Navy compression capris.  I also had my phone and used Endomondo to map and track my walk.

What Didn't Work:
     Oh, come on!  I forgot water again.  I thought that I would be okay without water because I was just walking. But it would have been nice to have some water along the way. Especially since I only had two drinks of water between waking up and walking out the door. Next time, I'll have to stash some water at my car.

I expected to have more trouble getting out of bed this morning and getting ready to go. But it wasn't a problem.  I know in the future this will probably become more of an issue; but for now I am so motivated to become a runner that getting out of the house isn't really the problem.

Below is my workout from Endomondo.  It gives a log of great details. I am sure the graph at the bottom will come in handy when I start training more once I can run for more than 60 seconds at a time.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

T.G.I.R.D. / Personal Goals #1 and #2

Thank Goodness It’s Rest Day!

     Even though I just started on my journey to running, I am thankful for a rest day. No gym. No running.  We all need to fit in our rest/recovery days.
     I am also going to start using Endomondo to map out my runs and see the actual distance I am going instead of estimating it. 

Goal #1
     My first personal goal is to be able to complete “Week 1, Day 1” of the C25K app without having to walk through the running sections.

Goal #2
            To be ready to run a 5K on June 8th. This is the day of the Firehose Funrun at MCAS Yuma on the Parade Deck.  I know it will probably be intimidating to run a 5K on the base with all the Marines (oh-rah), but I know I will be glowing with pride for myself if I can do it. 


     The voice in my head might tell me that I can't do this, or that I don't want to do it.  But I am going to continue on and stick with it.  That is going to be the only way to push through the hard beginning parts of becoming a runner to the fun fast parts! 

I'm looking forward to resting tonight, and meeting my first personal goal.  I have to think of a good reward for myself when I meet the goal!