Sunday, May 12, 2013

Late Morning Run With Mom (Loss / Win)

This morning, I attempted another run.  Again, it didn't go well.

Friday was my rest day, and then Saturday ended up being another rest day.  Friday was a late night, and going to bed at midnight was not a good idea when waking up at 5:20am to run. So I slept in and said I would go out in the evening.  Then I went to bed early, so Saturday turned out to be a really lazy day with only 2681 steps an no runs.

But, this morning I got up and moved very slowly. I made it out the door but only made it 1.14 miles.

     I was out the door at 06:00. it was 70*F already!  No clouds, but that would have only made it humid and sticky.  Yuck!
     When I left for the gym it was 09:50. It was very warm already, in the mid 90s. But it didn't matter because I'd be running in the gym with my mom. We'd be under the fans with the a/c running.  It would be nice.

What Didn't Work:
     This morning I forgot water, and thought about it, but didn't go back to get it.  I didn't try very much this morning and I was tired. Very tired.
     At the gym this morning, everything seemed to work.  Maybe my pants (why are there always problems with my pants?) could have been fresh, but they didn't seem to be much of a problem while running at the gym.

What Worked:
     I don't know what worked this morning, nothing really.
     During the gym I had a bottle of blue Gatorade that was delicious, good tunes, and CNN on the TV in front of me.  It was a perfect run and I did great during all the running segments and even ran the last minute of walking before the cool down.

     It should have been more motivating than it was.  Minus Five.
     I had a chance to read a little before going to the gym this morning, and I kept thinking about the character in the book.  I'm reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.  The girl, Hazel, had thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs.  She is on constant oxygen and often sleeps with a BiPAP machine.  I kept thinking about her while running at the gym this morning, and that she might enjoy running, if she could. And that she would probably have a greater appreciation for it. 

 Gym Run: 1.78 miles in 31.50 minutes.  Run 90 seconds (5.0 mph), walk 90 seconds (3.0 mph), run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes (repeat).  Cool down 5 minutes and speed slowed to 1.5 on treadmill

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