Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yuma AZ Running Warriors Run #1 (Win)

This morning was my first run out with a group of people.  My friend Melissa invited my mom and I out for a Saturday run with Yuma AZ Running Warriors.  About eight of us showed up and ran at our own pace. Mom and I ran together, and Melissa back tracked a few times to check on us and to push us a little too!  I think we both pushed ourselves a little more this morning--I know I did!

After completing 2.87 miles, my longest road run, we opted not to eat breakfast at the restaurant which was the meeting place but to go home instead.  After arriving home I opened up the windows and turned on the fans as it was lovely outside!  I made "breakfast" which I am still enjoying.  Today, I made a shake with 4 oz fat-free milk, 4 oz cold water, 1 scoop whey protein vanilla flavor powder, and 1 cup slightly thawed strawberries blended.  Shake it up in my blender bottle and enjoy!  Very delicious!  On my next trip to the grocery store I am going to pick up other frozen fruit (no sugar added) to have a wider variety available.  

     I had trouble waking up at my normal running time this morning, but still made it out to the mall at 06:00.  It was nice, and cool, and not cloudy at all.  When I was getting in my car I noticed the moon was huge, and about to set. The sun was up and was shining bright!  When I got home, I checked the weather and it was only 69ºF. 

What Worked: 
     It was the first time my mom and I have run on the road since beginning this journey.  We did well and I had a personal record (PR) mile time of 13:37! Woo-hoo!  I really pushed myself today and tried to work on my breathing.  I was able to run quite a bit on the dirt on the side of the road and that was nice. I didn't even fall down!  Everything seemed to be in working order.

What Didn't Work:
     Today something weird happened, that hasn't happened to me before.  I think that I can expect this to continue happening through summer training too.  My sunglasses were fogging up on the inside.  Yuck!  Warm face sweat is disgusting!  That was really my only problem, but mostly it was just uncomfortable because I couldn't see well.  My mom carried my phone in her waist pouch (thanks!) and I kept my ipod in the little pocket of my pants.  Guess that kind of little pouch is another item I should add to my "to buy" list along with an armband for my phone, and digital watch.

     Today, I was thinking about the post with the image of the quote about coming in last is better than not finishing which is better than not starting, but since it wasn't a race and other people were on their second lap when I was just finishing I didn't feel like I was last.  I did feel kind of awesome for getting out and running with experienced runners.  It was a big step and I didn't think that I was ready for it, but it all turned out well!  Monday I am running with Abby and my mom, so that should be another new, fun experience!
     Also, I kind of want to track down my junior high PE teacher, and tell him I am now running a 14 minute mile, and getting faster!  I don't think I ever ran a 14 minute mile in junior high!

This was a great start to a new week. I had a tough week last week, but I am not ready to give up!  I count today's run as a win!

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