Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Morning Run (Win)

Today was supposed to be my rest day, but yesterday turned into a rest day instead. So I got up to run this morning.  I was off to a late start because I let my alarm snooze a couple of times. But I did eventually get out of bed and out the front door.  It seemed a lot easier only a few days ago to get up early and run, but I guess now that Summer Break has officially started it is more difficult to wake up before sunrise to go for a run.  It is going to be more tough next week when I have to start waking up earlier to beat the heat and the sun.  I will at least have the opportunity to take a nap in the middle of the day since I am not working.

     I was out the door at 05:55 this morning. My phone's weather app said it was 73ºF, but it felt much warmer than that when I was out on the road.  I also noticed this morning that there is a weather advisory for this weekend with the hottest temperatures of the year so far. Great, guess I start my 04:30 wake ups tomorrow.  Today was a clear morning and a bright sun. No breeze, not even cool crisp air.  

What Worked/What Didn't Work:
     Everything seemed in order this morning.  Luckily I was able to adjust my time on Endomondo for my run because I spent so much time waiting to cross the street at the lights.  I only changed it by three minutes, but it was probably a little more.  I will have to start pausing my Endomondo when I get to a crosswalk so that it doesn't mess with my running time.  I ran a Week Two program and then a Week One program.  It was a tough run this morning.  

     Yesterday's "rest day" just seemed to be a lack of motivation. I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to go to the gym, and I didn't want to do much of anything.  But today, I got up and went for a run with a fresh batch of motivation! 

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