Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Remember the 4th Commandment for Runners

I am thankful that today is REST DAY!  I could go for some runs today--but it will be beneficial to also have a day of rest so that I can give my shins a break, and let the blister heal on my foot.  It was harder waking up at 06:20 this morning than it has been waking up at 05:20 to run.  Guess that just shows that I am more motivated to get up and run than I am to get up and go to work.  Only 15 more school days, and only 22 more calendar days until the end of the school year!  Then I can start my 04:30 runs because the heat will be in full force!  Although, come August and September I don't know what I will do (except run a 10K in preparation for the half-marathon in February!)

A day of rest is also needed since after my run at the gym yesterday my legs were very sore and tired and I wasn't able to go for a walk with my friend, Katie, to Subway for dinner.  As soon as I got out on the road to meet her (it is only a quarter of a mile to her apartment) I knew we needed to drive the half mile to Subway or not go at all. Luckily Katie agreed to drive.  We sat outside (in the wind) and had a nice dinner.

For dinner tonight we'll be going to Chipotle for buy-one-get-one in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.  I'll still try to make it as healthy as possible, but you can't beat that offer except with a free meal for each person like McDonalds is offering. Since I despise McDonalds Chipotle will be good enough!

Friday the 10th will be my next rest day.  It is Bunko night!

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