Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friday/Saturday Runs (Loss / Win)

Friday morning started off with a very difficult run. I had a hard time trying to find a rhythm and just felt uncomfortable over all.  I ended up walking only 0.85 miles that morning and getting home early to leave early for work and what would end up being a disaster of a day.  I did, however, turn it all around with a run at the gym in the late afternoon. Did much better than in the morning.  It went well, and everything was working. I did have some knee/leg pain in my right leg, but it didn't last long.  I hope that is because I am getting stronger!

Saturday I woke up early with the intention of going early to the gym to run, but ended up sleeping in for another few hours.  I finally got out of bed and made it to the gym about 10:30.  There were more people at the gym then I expected.  I added a five minute warm up at 2.5 mph before beginning the five minute warm up with the app at 3.0 mph.  I kept my running at a speed of 5.0 mph, and used the five minute cool down on the app to walk at 3.0 mph then walked for another five minutes and decreased my speed by 0.50 mph every minute. I think I need only two more runs with the Week Three program and I will be good to continue on with Week Four. Max heart rate today was my highest at 175!  Woo-hoo!  No leg pain this morning, and all went well!

This morning I had a great run, and all it took was getting out of bed and going! I was glad for this morning's run, it totally makes up for yesterday's not-so-good morning run.  But then again, it was on par for my not-so-good day yesterday.

Here's to Tomorrow!

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