Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Waves of Regret (I should have gone for that run)!

It has only taken me five months to find this statement truly true.  Yes, before this morning there were a few times when I didn't run and I should have but I never really felt guilty about not going. Until today.

My alarm went off at 04:31 like always. I let it snooze a few times while I checked Facebook, my email and the weather on my phone like I always do. I changed into my running clothes and then went to the bathroom like I always do. But once I made it to the kitchen I just decided that I didn't want to go and started being really slow about half-assing getting ready for my run. Then, "Oops--it is too late to go.  Guess I will just have to sleep a bit on the couch until it is time to get ready for work." Which is exactly what I did, covered up with my favorite afghan and curled up with some pillows.  When I finally got up, that's when the waves of regret hit me. Yes, I should have run this morning. I was not running that late, and I could have even gone for 3 1/2 miles instead of the 4 I was planning.  That would have been better than the zero miles I actually went.

Maybe this evening I will head out for a short run. I can hit the hills and feel like I am doing double duty. But, I also have to run tomorrow morning and Thursday morning.  No races this weekend, but I really should work in my short recovery run to make sure my milage is increasing each week.  That's an easy run--as long as I actually get out and run. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Never Again... Never Say Never (Win)

Today, on Facebook, there was a post with comments about what a certain runner (my mom) is thinking about when they run. So on tonight's run I collected a few thoughts that I will share with you now.
"Okay, the sun is finally setting, I think I will be okay if I head out now."
"Nope, should have brought sunglasses."
"Ugh, this light takes forever to change."
"Why are there so many cars?  I need to cross the street here instead of having crossed twice at that night."
"Hills suck."
"Hills are awesome!"
"Uh oh, why is there a police car just sitting there."
"Ouch, how did I pull that muscle?"
"Could I blow my nose with one of those dog poop bags?"
"I should take the short cut up the hill."
"When I blog about this later do I want to say that I took the short cut home?"
"Yay--time to walk and it happens to be when I am going up the hill."
"Do I know that person in that car?"
"So glad I didn't bring sunglasses, they would be falling off the top of my head by now."
"I am about half a mile from home, can go home now and still have gone a good distance."
"Love this song, who cares if I sing out loud for a bit while I am walking."
"When will I need to eat my almonds?"
"NICE STOP, Jerk!"
"My toes hurt."
"My hamstring hurts."
"My back hurts."
"How many people will be out of work tomorrow?"
"Do I really want to wear that shirt to school tomorrow?"
"I am going to rock that shirt tomorrow because I am doing half of a half-marathon tonight!"
"HEY Lady!  Share the road!"
"I am almost out of water. Can I get some at Circle K?"
"Going to walk through this running segment, I need a longer break."
"Almost there, one last running segment."
"Okay, one more running segment, with perfect form!"
"Awe man, just two tenths of a mile to go, I will run past my house to get that extra distance!"
"Thank you Endomondo! I love you! Please show me a personal best distance for something when I get home."
"I think I will do my blog post right when I get home."

As I sit at home fresh from my run (if "fresh" is really the way to describe it), I ice my hamstring and think about how I pushed through on this run with a few opportunities to go home sooner than I planned and with a pulled muscle in my leg it would have been a valid excuse for going home early. But I didn't. I figured it hurt already, it is going to hurt tomorrow, I might as well keep going! So I did.

I say "Never Again" because I much prefer my early morning runs to running in the evening. The sun wasn't to much of a problem because it was cool and eventually set, and it is always cooler running the canals anyway. But there were just so many cars. Twice, TWICE, there were cars that were not paying as much attention to me as I was to them and I could easily have been run over tonight!  But, since I didn't run yesterday, and I didn't run this morning; tonight was my only option to get out for a run. I at least felt safer on the streets with cars about than on the canal with no one around. Once it gets dark, that could be really creepy. 

Next weekend, get up early to run--I can always take a nap.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

How To Set A PR (Win)

Last night, I went out for my first run in Yuma's series of city runs--The Zombie Run.

Based on how my last organized race went, I really didn't think I would be setting any goals because if it was too crowded it would really be hard to be consistent with my speed.  But that was really not a problem last night.  I also was running with the ten year old son of another teacher from my school. Luckily, he was the boost that I needed to make this goal!

I felt bad the first time I had to take a walk break. It seemed like we hadn't run very far, or for very long and that I can usually wait a bit longer when I am out on runs by myself. But I needed the break and we walked for a couple of minutes.  We kept up our running and walking until the Endomondo told us we had already gone one mile.  One mile in eleven minutes was all I heard! Really?!  I hadn't run a mile in eleven minutes in a long time!  The second mile of our 5k was 13 minutes, still a bit faster than my recent miles.  And the third mile--eleven minutes again!

During the run I was talking with my young running partner about how I was working on a goal time for this race, and since we were doing so well along the way we might be able to make my goal time!  When we heard the Endomondo give the time for the third mile as 36 minutes he shouted "We can make it" and we ran through the finish line in 37 minutes and 47 seconds.  Holy moly!  I just made my goal and shaved 2+ minutes of my time!  Yay--I finally can get my new Birkenstock sandals and have finally met a goal I've been working towards for a long time!

I figured out why we were so fast in this race. First, I didn't have much to talk with a ten year old about, so we were not distracted from running by our conversations.  Second, he's a faster runner than me and I was always trying to keep up with him when we were running.  I had to push myself to have longer strides and go just a bit farther before taking a walk break.  He was gracious about when I needed to walk and was excited to be doing the run anyways.

So, while I am out today getting my new sandals I have been waiting for, I also need to pick up a neat treat for my buddy since he did help me make my goal and was totally cool running with me even though we had to walk some too!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday's Six Mile Run (Win)

This morning I set out for a six mile run--and I finished it.  Aside from not being able to take a "short cut" home, I stuck it out and continued running, even if only running on the downhill parts during the last mile.  It wasn't a very creative route to take, but most of it was roads I was familiar with and that helped me feel safe. Plus, running in a giant rectangle I was able to pretty easily determine my distance based on my location.

This time I took different fuel with me. I brought a packet of maple almond butter to try on this run.  It was kind of tasty, a bit "grittier" than I expected. But it was hard to consume. I had trouble getting the packet open while holding a bottle in my hand, and then I ended up tearing it all the way across and it was too wide to try to gracefully squeeze a decent amount into my mouth while walking.  So, after a weird experience of licking gobs of almond butter out of a foil packet I decided that I'll save the chocolate hazelnut butter that I have at home for some toast or other tasty treat!  Maybe I'll experiment with Honey Stingers next.  That name just sounds like something so yummy.

Actually, I did kick a ton of ass this morning on my six mile run, but I am surprised how much my ass hurts from running too.  Yikes--and I didn't even do any squats this week!

But my ass-kicking needs to continue if I am going to run a 6.2 mile race on Friday!  I can't believe that it is coming up so quickly.

To get ready I will:
Not skip a day at the gym.
Run at least 4 miles on running days.
Eat cleaner this week than I have the last two weeks!

In six days, hopefully I can PR at my race for my second six mile run (or at least in my 5k time so I can finally get my new Birkenstocks)!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Tuesday (Win)

This morning I set out on a four mile run. It went well except that my C25K app kept turning off and I had to restart it  But other than that everything went okay.  I was done in one hour and still had time to get ready for work and arrive at school on time.  I think that I am going to start doing the four mile runs during the week instead of the three mile runs. 

Yesterday, my mom and I signed for the series of runs that the City of Yuma is putting on starting in October and going through until March.  We signed up to do the runs as 10Ks instead of 5Ks.  Should be interesting, but by the first race I should have in at least one six mile run. This will just be extra practice.  We can call them "quarter marathons" in preparation for the half marathon we'll run in February.

Sunday I ran my first five mile run!  Yes--five miles!  I was really proud of myself and actually felt really great after my run. Better than I usually feel.  That route was a combination of two 3-mile runs and I thought that I would have trouble with it, but I didn't.  It was also the first time I had to fuel up while out on a run.  I took a small bag of 10 almonds with me to munch on and was over three and a half miles in before I remembered to eat them.  I ate only five, and felt great the rest of the time.  I'll have to remember almonds in the future.  This weekend I also bought some individual packets of almond butter and chocolate hazelnut butter at Target for $0.99 and hopefully they too will be easy to consume on a run.  

Someone flipped the weather switch in Yuma this weekend because the mornings have been very cool, almost chilly.  Such a difference from running in 80º+ weather.  But I love it.  Sunday it was pretty windy, but it kept me dry while running even if making it a bit difficult to listen to my audio book.  I am looking forward to training in much cooler weather!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Four Miles On A School Day?! (Win)

Today on the training schedule it said 4 miles. So, since my 4 mile run over the weekend was just under an hour, I set out to run my 4 miles before work today.  I made sure my alarm went off a few minutes early so that I could get on the road on time. I decided to do the same run I did on Saturday and see how my time was different.

Well, it was slower. But I still went!  I made it home a few minutes after when I wanted to be home, yet I was still able to leave the house on time for work.  As training continues there are 4, 5, and 6 mile runs during the week. I don't know if I will be able to keep up with that many week day miles, but I'll have to try it and see.

I've been getting a bit bored of my music while running. Yes, even bored of my Pandora stations.  I need to listen to music that I like, music that is fast paced, and music that I can sing along with out loud while I am doing especially awesome or just don't care any more.  This weekend I tried something else. I got an audiobook from the library and put the files on my phone and have been listening to that while I am out running.  I'm listening to Phantom by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbo.  I've read this book before, but it was the easiest to find on the library's audiobook website. Plus, the next book in this series is on it's way from the UK to my house--it is a nice refresher before starting Police! So far, I am just under two hours of listening to it and I am enjoying having the book read while I am running.  It gives me something else to concentrate on.

I am glad that I was able to survive my day at work even after a longer weekday run than usual, and no morning nap.  Five miles this weekend--hopefully that goes well!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seven Minutes And Four Seconds Faster! (Win)

04:31 this morning is when my alarm went off, but I have already been awake for a while.  I was waiting for it to be a reasonable time to get up so that I could go for my run.  It wasn't that I was super excited about this Saturday morning run, but that I haven't been sleeping well the last few weeks, and 03:30 am did not seem like a reasonable time to go for a run.  In only that when I leave just before 5 am it is not long before the sun starts peaking over the horizon and providing me with light.  However, I was more tired getting out of bed around 04:45 than if I would have just got out of bed when I woke up.

But I still went for my run!  Four miles is what I set out to complete today.  Since I was sick a few weeks ago I have had trouble jumping back into my half marathon training. I don't seem to be able to run for as long in between walking breaks and I don't seem to be able to push myself as hard as I was before. But this morning, I decided that was all going to change!  While working on increasing my distance, I will also work on increasing my time spent running. This is going to be more challenging--but I think that I am up for it!

Looking at the forecasted weather for the next ten days, I am excited to see some morning lows in the 70s (and even the 60s--but I doubt that will actually happen).  I hope that running in the cooler weather will help me stick it out on my runs and push myself a little bit further each time.  

Tomorrow is three miles, and Monday is a rest day!  Next weekend--FIVE miles!  Wish me luck, no, remind me that I already know that I can do it!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Post-Rain Morning Run (Win)

When setting out for a run in the morning there are a few things I need to do before I get started.  I turn on my music, I get my C2 10K app going, and of course I start my Endomondo. But this morning I was all out of order because I was enjoying my music already while getting my pack and water ready at home.

It wasn't until I was over a mile and a half that I realized I hadn't heard my Endomondo tell me how far I had gone, and surely I had already gone a mile. It wasn't until my late wake-up alarm starting going off and my music stopped that I noticed the message on my phone that the GPS was turned off and this would interfere with how Endomondo tracked my workout this morning.  CRAP!  I was almost two miles into my run and only the timer was going. Oh no! Luckily, I know how far I was running this morning so I was able to update it online. Because 1.28 miles in 42 minutes is really horrible!

Last night we had a huge storm pass through and so thankfully it was cool and damp out--perfect for running!  I checked the weather and while it was 72º outside there was 74% humidity.  Still, it felt cool and nice.  I was up a half hour early and was on the road just a few minutes after my early alarm sounded. I was really hoping for a little bit of rain while I was out on my run this morning, or at least some sprinkles--but there was nothing.

I enjoyed running in the cool, damp morning and really can't wait for cooler weather for running before the sun comes up.

Tomorrow, 3 miles again!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Running in an Oven (Win?)

When waking up this morning I decided that I could not check the weather because I knew it was going to be a warm morning. If I knew exactly how warm it was supposed to be before I got dressed and out the door I probably wouldn't go. But stepping outside... I was certain I stepped into a pre-heated oven!

Yikes! 88º F, 66% humidity and a quote from wunderground stating that it felt like 97º. Wowza!  I felt like a wilted flower as a went only a short distance this morning.  In exchange for the shorter distance I decided that I would push my self more than I have in my last two runs.  I would run a full mile--that was my goal.  And, I about did it.  I have to take a quick walk break towards the end. But, overall I ran the whole thing.  It was disgusting!
But I did it!  I went out and did something, which was more than I had done for the 12 days I was sick. Tomorrow I'll try again.

Maybe it will rain already and suck this humidity out of the air and we can go back to living like normal, happy flowers in the desert southwest!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday's Four Mile Run (Win)

This morning was a tough morning all around.  I was off to a late start. I almost set out on a three mile run, but then picked the four mile route on my phone and decided to go with it.

There was a lot of walking, but I still went the full distance.

Tomorrow is a rest day, then Wednesday and Thursday are three milers. Friday is another rest day before the race on Saturday!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Morning Run (Win)

It has been 12 days since my last run, and before that I had only two runs in 10 days.  The start of the school year has not been good to me.  Also, I've been sick for the last week so the extra half hour to sleep in each morning has been great. Today's run is a "win" because I went. That was all I set out to accomplish this morning (even if I did walk quite a bit).

This morning I decided that I'd had enough. I was going to get up and run and do my best with junky lungs and unused legs.  I didn't set any goals, but I did get up and run this morning. Today was three miles, tomorrow I am going to try for four miles.  Saturday I will be running the Aloha Run 5k in Mission Bay, San Diego--so I need to be ready!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Four Mile Success (Win)

This morning was my first long run of half marathon training.  I set out for four miles and went just a bit over!  I was determined this this morning was going to be the morning I earned my new Birkenstock sandals for getting my 5k time under 40 minutes. But I was just over by 25 seconds. Another run, my next run, will be the time that I earn my sandals!  I can't wait--now that school is starting I'll love having a second pair of Birkenstocks to wear to work.  They are so great on my feet.

I ran a new route, or mostly new route this morning for my four miles. It was nice. I only had a short stretch of road that I have never run on, but I was familiar with the area from driving that road many, many times.  I ran past my old apartment complex and was reminded of when I first started running and spent a few times just doing laps around the complex instead of getting out on the real roads. I've come along way since then for sure. 

Today I had an easy time running the first three miles, but had a tough time with the last mile (which includes an uphill climb). I survived and made him home still not needing sunglasses. Tomorrow is a run of 3 miles. I will have to decide  what route I will take. I will push to get my time under 40 minutes so I can earn my sandals.  Next, I'll have to decide what I am goal I am going to set for a reward of a new hat!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Where is "The Zone"? (Loss)

This morning was a tough run.  But, I don't know why...

I went to bed at 20:30 last night and fell asleep right away.  Then I was up only a few minutes before my alarm sounded this morning.  I got very close to a full eight hours of sleep.  I checked my email and Facebook and the weather before getting up from bed. I ate my cheese stick and had a few sips of Vitamin Water before getting dressed like I always do.  But somehow by this time it was already 05:00 and I was just putting my running clothes on.  I have been trying to make it out the door by this time so that I won't need sunglasses and I will have more time to get things done before going to work.  Now that I am back on contract I have to get to work on time and not take a morning nap for two hours after my run.

Once I was out on the road I turned on Endomondo and Pandora on my phone. Last night I downloaded 10k Trainer to my phone which is the next step after the C25K app.  I decided to use this today and it would help me push through to fewer walking breaks on my run.  I turned this on last.  I set out walking and walking and walking... wait--shouldn't my 10k Trainer app have told me it was time to start running by now?  Usually I am running by this point on the road.  I checked my phone and BLURG! (thanks Liz Lemon) the app restarted and wasn't timing anything. So I walked to the next streetlight and then starting running.

Yeah, that didn't work out well either, by the time I reached the corner I was pooped.  I pushed on a little further and then just walked.  I tried a few more times to run, but it just wasn't happening this morning.  I walked the rest of the way and went the full distance. I did not take the shortcut home, but I didn't go an extra lap around my complex which would have surely put me over 3.0 miles. 

But, this is kind of how my whole morning went. I forgot to wash my hair in the shower this morning, didn't make coffee last night so I had to make it after I got home from my "run" walk. Then, when I left for work I forgot my phone at home. I realized this only about 4 miles away from home, and then proceeded to check if I had my FitBit. Check--I had my FitBit, so I decided it wasn't worth going home to get my phone. 

Tomorrow is a rest day for running, but I might try to go out for a short run and try to set the tone for my long run on Saturday. Maybe I'll try a new route just to change things up a little bit. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Let The Training OFFICIALLY Begin (Win)

Training began this morning.  Actually the calendar for training started yesterday, but it was a rest day--a much needed [second] rest day after six straight days of "killer week" running.

This morning started with a three-mile run.  I used a route that I have run before. It went well over all. I really tried to reach my 40 minute goal for my three miles--but was just one minute over! I might have done better if I wasn't running into the wind, but that is only an excuse--it was nice to have a breeze for a while.

I need to work on pushing myself back up to a full 30 minutes of running on the road.  I reached the 30 minutes (plus two minutes) on the treadmill, but haven't yet made it out on the road.  About 15 minutes straight is all that I can do, but I'm working on boosting that up.

Tomorrow is another rest day, and Thursday another three mile run. I am looking forward to it (and kind of wishing that I could run tomorrow). Gym after a day at work tomorrow.  But the best news of all, I don't have to go to the all day training on Thursday for a math curriculum that I won't be using, so I'll have an extra day to work in my classroom (but there will not be any other teachers there to talk to when I need a break).

Friday, August 2, 2013

There Is No Walking In Running (Win)

I probably haven't seen the movie "A League Of Their Own" which the quote, "there is no crying in baseball" comes from (gasp--I know!  A Tom Hanks movie nonetheless...) But this morning I kept reminding myself "there is no walking in running."  I had been doing great running on the treadmills at the gym in the air conditioning during the afternoons; but I am finding it much harder to do those same runs on the road.  It feels different and it is much, much more disgusting. I am sweatier, and my body hurts in different ways. But, I am getting better!  Today I had a three second improvement on my 3 mile time! Still working on getting it under 40 minutes but I am getting there.  I feel like I am starting over a little bit after spending so much time on the treadmills during a really lazy running period. 

I LOVE my new headphones. The orange Yurbuds that arrived yesterday are great.  The sound is amazing and they are super comfortable and soft in my ears.  While in Flagstaff I bought a pair at Best Buy--the kind with the over-the-ear hook. But I ended up returning them because it was the hook part that really hurt my ear.  Plus, the new ones are the women's size, where the other ones were not.  They did not budge one bit during my run this morning. Love them! 

Two more days of left of Killer Week remain. Tomorrow is two 2 1/2 mile runs (a.m. and p.m.) and Sunday one last 4+ mile run. My shins are really going to be glad when it is over and I can take a rest day (or two). Once I am back to my regular routine, I might keep the two canal routes as my regular weekday routes. But, I'll have to wait to see what this school year brings...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hell Is Interval Training (Win)

This morning, as part of Killer Week, I went for a long run in intervals.  I set out for a 4 1/2 mile run and was really close to going the full distance. I could have walked a lap around my complex but I was on a time crunch to get home to register for a big race. 

I used a program on my iPod called "Seconds" which has templates for different kinds of timers.  I used the one called "HIIT" and set it for a five minute warm up, running segments of one minute and walking segments of one minute ten seconds.  The warm up was nice, but after a few of the running segments my legs really began to hurt. It wasn't a sustained pain during the running, but the first two or three steps when I started running were really painful each time.  I haven't had a rest day this week, and I am sure that's part of it. But I pushed through it and took one unplanned walk break. I was glad to finally make it home.

Once I got home I quickly changed in to my post-run PJs and grabbed my computer so that I could register for The Zion Half Marathon.  The race is in March of next year, about a month after I plan to do my first half marathon in Pasadena. Race registration began at 08:00 in MDT this morning, and the first 500 people to register get an "in training" t-shirt for free!  I was able to get registered for the race, but I don't know if I was early enough to get the t-shirt. I guess I'll find out soon.

It is almost too bad that today wasn't a bad day because I came home to find everything that I've ordered recently had been delivered! My Road ID bracelet came one day early, my insulated water bottles arrived on time, and my Yurbuds headphones (in orange) finally arrived after a mishap with the shipping address.  Yay! Tomorrow is going to be an awesome run: new water bottle to help keep my Vitamin Water cold, my awesome Yurbuds to listen to some great music with quality sound, and my Road ID which would speak for me if I couldn't speak for myself after an accident. Hopefully the 3 1/2 miles goes well and the weather is cool, and there is a slight breeze..

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Run Those Canals, Girl (Win)

Today I was up on time, and out the door ten minutes before I was yesterday. It was warm, but not as warm as yesterday. I set out for a 3 1/2 mile run and went just a little over. I had a great run and a much better morning at work.

I also had a good morning at work and afternoon around town.  I am looking forward to continuing working on Killer Week tomorrow.

Tonight I am going to register for a few races:
Aloha 5K in San Diego
Yuma Neon Night Run 5K

Smucker Park [Attempted] Run (Loss)

Yesterday's run, July 30, was not fun. I didn't like it. I didn't have fun, I was tired and hot and it was humid. Yuck.

Try again tomorrow!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Welcome to Killer Week! (Win)

Yes, it is time for "Back To School."

Just kidding. Killer week is going to be a tough week of running during which I am seriously going to push myself to go farther and longer than I ever have before with my running.

This morning I set out run 4 1/2 miles on the first day of killer week. I mapped an extension to add to a run that I did previously, but it turns out that the route I had previously done wasn't as long as I thought it was, so adding on an extra mile did not make it long enough.  But, I ran so much of the overall distance of the run. Parts of it were slow, but I did it.

Endomondo shows an improvement of 1 minute, 15 seconds in my 5K distance! Yay!

No gym this afternoon. But I do need to go get started working in my classroom today. Tomorrow is a 3 1/2 mile run with cross-training in the afternoon.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Broken, But Still A Badass (Win)

I feel broken, but I am still badass!

"How can you be badass and broken at the same time?" one might ask (someone like my mom). It is residual badass-ness left over from last weekend.  I am still feeling awesome for completing the ropes course, but my body still hurts in weird places and my bruises are still tender. But today I pushed through it.

I set out to run Week 8, Day 3 of C25K at the gym. And about five minutes in I really wanted to take a walk break. But I didn't, and five minutes later I really, really wanted a walk break. So, I made a deal with myself: If I completed my 30 minutes of running without stopping I could go home and not do weights.  I had done enough and I was suffering through upper arm/shoulder pain and tension, hip pains and tender ankles; so why not treat myself to going home early. I did my run--the whole thirty minutes!

Then I did weights.

Yes, leg machines.  I had to do less weights on the machines so that I could actually do the exercises (for example, 70 pounds on the hip adductor instead of 115 pounds) and still did two sets of ten reps. I did one set of more painful than usual squats, and skipped the abs all together. It all worked out in the end. I had a good run and a good workout.

Today I am also feeing badass for meeting my first weight goal since I started running. Seventeen, yes 17, pounds GONE!  I like to say "gone" instead of "lost" because it wasn't like I woke up this morning and I couldn't find them. I worked really hard to shed those 17 pounds--so they are gone, not lost!  As my reward I finally ordered my Road ID bracelet similar to this one, but with all the correct personal information!  I can't wait to get it and wear it proudly--just like the id bracelet with my parents' phone number when I was a kid, in case I got lost or hurt. Hmmmm... This one is way cooler though!

Now, just trying to figure out when I have completed C25K so I know when to reward myself with new Birkenstocks. Is it when I can go 30 full minutes of running (on the road)? Or when I can go 3.1 miles no matter how long it takes me to run the full distance. Votes accepted in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ouch! Those runs hurt (Loss)

I tried. I did.

Last Friday, I went out in Flagstaff to run.  My mom and I went and we never get much running done when we go together.  At one point we split up and I went on ahead. I ran for a little bit, but not as much as I set out to.  I don't know how much the elevation was affecting me, but I didn't like the rocky trail I was running on.  Also, I had weird pains in my right calf (which I've never had while running before).  It just wasn't a good run. But we walked a nice distance on a beautiful morning.  

Me enjoying a ride on the trapeze. 
The next morning my family and I embarked on an adventure unlike anything we've ever done before. The Flagstaff Extreme Adventure Course at Fort Tuthill County Park was my mom's idea.  Holy crap--it was scary and awesome, thrilling and taxing, painful and empowering! I completed all four courses: green, blue, red and black! I didn't know how much I was going to be able to complete of the course, and only once did I think that I might not make it and that I would have to say the "magic" words to get a guide to come and rescue me. But I finished and made it down the last stupid wooden ladder!  And, today I am still feeling the effects of my time on the course.  Yes, I do still feel super awesome from finishing the challenge and going farther than I thought I would go. But, I am still sore--sore all over my body. My arms hurt, my back, chest, core, and legs hurt.  That doesn't include all the bruises that are tender.  I am sleeping better at night as my body does hurt less than it did on Sunday and Monday.

Today was my first trip back to the gym since the adventure course.  I made a call on Sunday that on Monday I would not be going to the gym. But today, there was less of an excuse not to go.  Yes, I still hurt, but I can't miss so many days in a row. Today's run at the gym did not go well. I was able to run for about ten minutes of the thirty minutes I was supposed to run.  I tried to then alternate running and walking based on the songs on my playlist. But then decided it was best if I just walked instead of possibly hurting myself further.  I was able to go 2.24 miles on the treadmill in 40 minutes.  I wish I could have gone farther, but I'll keep trying. Tomorrow I am going to try Week 8, Day 3 again and see how far I get.  I just need to keep running until I am back to where I was. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

28-Minutes of Winning (Win)

This afternoon I went on a run at the gym before the leg routine.  It was a good run, but not as easy as yesterday's run. I am ready for a rest day--actually a rest weekend.  Spending some time in Flagstaff this weekend with my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law. And, a little adventure called Flagstaff Extreme! A ropes course up in the trees is going to be exciting!

I updated my "long run" playlist on my iPod before going to the gym today.  I really have been relying on music to get through my runs and to help me push myself a little harder.  It's hard to set up a playlist while sitting on the comfy couch at home. What sounds like it will be a good song to run to might not be once I hit the road or the treadmill.  It is harder on the treadmill to listen to music I don't really want to when I have fairly easy access to my iPod. On the road my iPod in in my waist pack and I can't easily change songs so I have to just listen to what ever plays.  
Here is some of the awesome songs that I have been listening to while I run:
Mumford & Sons -- Feel The Tide and Hold On To What You Believe (Live)
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones -- I Want My City Back and Riot On Broad Street
Of Monsters and Men -- Little Talks
Goldfinger -- Mable
Dropkick Murphys -- Captain Kelly's Kitchen and The Dirty Glass 
Flogging Molly -- What's Left Of The Flag and Tobacco Island
Jace Everett -- Bad Things
Da Vinci's Notebook -- Another Irish Drinking Song
Adele -- I Found A Boy

I'll just keep updating my music and adding to the playlist as my runs get longer. It keeps me going and keeps my mind off my legs, feet and lungs. I do allow my self to sing along when I am on the road, especially at the end of a great run during my cool down. But, at the gym sometimes I end up mouthing a few lines when I really need some motivation. 

Week 8, Day 1 Plus Two Minutes (Win)

Wow! I haven't blogged about my runs in over a week!  I mostly have been running at the gym instead of outside, but I've been doing well--except for the group run on Saturday the 13th.

I've been full of excuses lately.  That's part of the reason why I haven't been out running as much as I should be.  I have hit the "mid-summer slump," which makes it really hard to get anything done.  I was on such a good routine at the beginning of summer break and when I was teaching summer school, but now it has been a few weeks, with a couple more to go and it is really hard to get up before sunrise to run when I don't have any other reason to wake up so early.  "Tomorrow" hasn't really been my excuse, it really has become "later."  I go to the gym early to run before I do my regular workout. But it is really draining to do both.  I'll have to get myself into a good routine soon, since I return to work in a few weeks and will have to go back to working in my classroom even sooner!

Yesterday was a late afternoon run at the gym before my regular workout (and today will be the same because I really wanted to sleep in).  I was just starting Week 8 on C25K and it was a 28 minute run.  I was starting to get tired and I knew I was getting close to the end, but I didn't know how close I was.  The song "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men came on and I told myself that I would run until the end of the song and that would be it.  About half way through the song the C25K voice told me it was time to begin my cool down. Yesssss! But wait, I told myself I would go to the end of the song. Only two more minutes. I had it in me!  And, I did!  I went for a full thirty, yes 30, minutes yesterday.  When I started running at the beginning of May I was barely going for thirty minutes at a time with walk breaks that were longer than the running segments. Now, I am spending the whole thirty minutes running without walking breaks in between (but still with the five minute warm-ups and cool-downs).

So I will keep running. I will run when I can and where I can. A gym run on the treadmill is better than no run at all.  I will run by myself because I am too much of a social creature to run with others when I have an opportunity to walk and talk with them.  I will continue to push myself and reward myself for my hard work. I am making progress and becoming stronger than I have ever been and a better runner that I thought I would be.

I have only three more days left of the C25K program, and three more pounds to lose to hit my first weight goal.  I will wear my Road ID bracelet proudly as a reminder of the pounds I've dropped, and enjoy my new Birkenstock sandals as they comfort my tired feet.  I will continue to build speed and distance, muscle and stamina.  I will run races to help me maintain motivation and to have fun.

I will continue to run!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

25 Minutes--NO Walking (Win)

YES!  Twenty five minutes of running this afternoon on the treadmill at the gym!  Week Seven, Day One is certainly a win!  I didn't think that I could do it, but I did!  A run did not happen this morning. I was tired and moody and just not into to.  I decided not to push my luck and wait until the afternoon to go when my mom and I had an extra day at the gym.  It was worth it.  Now, I just have to try to do it again on the road tomorrow.  But, no worries because I have three attempts during Week Seven to make it happen. I did not go the 2 1/2 miles that it suggested going during the 25 minutes, but I still went the whole time without even stopping for a walk break!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week Six, Day Three (Win)

This morning I set out on a run that I didn't have much faith in. I was sleepy, my back kind of hurt, and I just wasn't feeling it.  I really wanted to be back home in bed. But, I got up, got dressed and hit the road!

I decided to take a route that would be longer than I needed, but I wanted to familiarize myself with it so I was comfortable with going on the canal path.  It was a nice run, and on the roads there were very few cars, and I saw only two other runners and two people on bikes on the canal.  The canal was full of water and luckily was in the shade the whole way!

Just before reaching the main road I saw there was a path that veers off from the canal that goes up through a medical offices complex.  I knew that if I continued going along the canal that when I reached the street I would be at the bottom of the big hill from yesterday. But, by taking the path I was able to have a more gradual incline on the way to the top of the hill.  It was cheating, a little, I know, but I got a little reward at the end.  As I rounded a corner near the end of the driveway I saw a baby owl run into a burrow in the ground.  The momma Burrowing Owl was not pleased to see me standing there watching them, or even taking a picture of her.  She was making false starts like she was going to come running at me. So I snapped my picture with my phone and continued on my way.  But alas, that cute picture has disappeared into cyberspace because I can't find it on my phone, or on Facebook or Endomondo.

Maybe tomorrow I'll run the same route in the hopes of seeing the baby and momma once again.

First Road Run (Win)

Saturday's run was my first road run since I moved to my new house. I decided that it was time to suck it up and get out in my new neighborhood or I was never going to become familiar with it and then never want to run outside.  I decided to make it a short run to my friend's apartment to pick up her car.  Kind of a lazy run. Running to pick up a car and drive it back home. But it had to be moved and it worked out pretty good.  I set a goal for myself that I would walk to the street light as a warm up, then run all the way across to the next street light and then would walk the rest of the way to her apartment as my cool down.  It turned out to be a good plan even though I fell a little short on the running part than I wanted.  But, I still had a new personal best one mile time of 11:34 which is a 25 second improvement!

One of the biggest challenges of the short run on Saturday was running down hill.  I've walked this hill, but never run it.  I felt like I was going to trip over my own feet--so luckily I was right in front of the hospital in case I fell and broke my leg.  But, I'll have to keep working at it; as well as working on running back up that same hill.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Treadmill Runs (Win)

I haven't been updating my blog lately about my runs because I have been busy moving and packing/unpacking. Actually, I have only been on a few runs since my last post because I've been busy moving and packing/unpacking. Also, there have been two "Severe Weather Alerts" about high temps and the morning temperatures have been outrageous and the humidity out of control.  But, now that I am more settled into my new place I should be back to a routine of running in the morning.

Yesterday I didn't run in the morning. It was hot and I didn't want to go. But in the afternoon I ran at the gym with my mom. Week Six, Day One again. It was a good, easy run and I even ran the first running AND walking segments for a total of almost 9 minutes.  It was a great way to jump back in after almost a week off due to moving and a group hike with some teachers from school. Yet, during my run I was very annoyed with the girl running on the treadmill to my left. First, she was there for a few minutes stretching on the machine. Then left, only to return and run with bad form, too fast, and spend most of her time holding on to the top of the dashboard or with one hand on the handlebar in front. What?!  Um, if you have to hold on while you are running you are running too fast. I really exhibited a lot of self control to not coach her on how to run better so as not to annoy me.

Today I was actually up about ten minutes before my 04:39 alarm. I was out the door at 05:05 to drive to the gym.  It was 48% humidity and only 82ºF outside. A cooler morning than it has been, but still not a great morning for a run outside.  There were more people at the gym than I expected so early in the morning, but I was able to find a machine in front of CNN and (gasp) Fox News. I survived the first ten minute running segment without any problems, but had to take a one minute walking break in the middle of the second ten minute segment.  One minute was better than giving up and actually gave me the strength to continue to the end.  It was right in the middle and I had only five minutes of running left and thought about ending my program early and using that last bit of time as my cool down. But, I am super glad that I decided to run out the last of it to finish Week Six, Day Two.

Gym this afternoon with my mom for weights and abs. Fireworks and dinner with Mom and Dad tonight.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Tried, I Really Did (Loss)

I really tried this morning, I did.

It was a tough run. I barely made it through the first five minute segment and then during the eight minute segment I had a stitch in my side so bad that I had to start walking.  Then, I had trouble starting again. So I backed up my C25K app to give it another go at the eight minute segment. But it just wasn't working this morning.

Tomorrow I am going to give it another go and hopefully has a better run.

Friday I am going to hike Telegraph Pass with teachers from school. Hopefully, that goes well too!

Monday, June 24, 2013

20 Minutes, Well 17 Actually... (Win)

I was worried about this morning's C25K run. It starts off with the same five minute warm up, then twenty minutes of running, and the same five minute cool down. Yes you read that correctly, twenty as in 20, minutes of running.  What?! I just conquered eight minutes and now I have to do more than that, more than double?  Okay, I am up for the challenge.  I will see your twenty minutes but give you only 17 minutes.

Seventeen minutes is still kind of awesome!  I took a walk break for less than three minutes when the C25K app told me I was half way there.  I walked for the remainder of the song I was listening to and when it was over I was back to running.  I had a slower running speed this morning than I've had lately but I tried to keep it slow to conserve my energy to be able to last the full 20 minutes.  I am just glad that I didn't give up around 12 minutes, or stop to walk and never go back to running.

All was well, and I am glad to be done with Week Five.  Week Six starts off with five minute and eight minute segments, and then Day Two is ten minute running segments.  Oh but wait, Day Three is running for 22 minutes.  Week Seven is full of running with no walk breaks, and Week Eight is a full 5K, running! I think after I finish the program I will work on 3 mile runs for a while and try to get my time down. Then, I'll move on to the 10K Trainer app and work on distance.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Eight Minutes-I Kicked Your Butt Today (Win)

I had my doubts about the eight minute running segments in Week Five, Day Two. But I decided I was going to run as much as I can and then I would walk the remainder of the time. If I needed to, I would try again tomorrow. But I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I was able to run the full eight minutes both times!  I has just conquered the full five minutes only days ago, and didn't think I was ready to increase my running time by more than 50%. 

The new challenge will be Week Five, Day Three. That's twenty minutes (or two miles) of running.  I think that something is out of place here, because I am going from eight minutes to 20 minutes. Then, Week Six, Day One is 5 minutes/8 minutes/5 minutes. But, I am up for the challenge. I'll give myself a walking break if I need it around the ten minute mark. As long as I keep going I think I will be okay.  I'll just make sure that I have the best music play list for tomorrow! Since I've hit these longer running segments I have been relying on music a little more to take divert my concentration. Usually it works until I get to the end of the song and I try to guess how long the song was and how much of the next one I have to listen to.  It keeps me going, so it's a good way to train.  

     I stayed in bed only until 05:00 and was out the door at 05:25. It was lovely out, clear without a breeze. My phone's weather app couldn't decide what temperature it was outside. On the map is said 72ºF but it was telling me 77ºF. That's quite a difference.  It was nice though, that's all I have to say.  I didn't mind running in the weather this morning. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice 5K School Supply Drive Run/Walk (Win)

Yes, I am going to call this one a "win" even though I didn't run. I was very wishy-washy about going to this event.
Pro: I would get some school supplies!
Con: It was at 19:00 and would be very hot and mostly sunny.
Pro: My parents were participating also!
Con: It was at 19:00 and would be very hot and mostly sunny.
Pro: It was an event sponsored by a running group that I want to join!
Con: It was at 19:00 and would be very hot and mostly sunny.

Still, even after starting out my morning with a nice run, taking the summer school kids to the water park, packing up my stuff because it was the last day of summer school I still made it to the event (despite my worries about the weather). I walked the whole thing, even though my legs were still sore from Wednesday's "leg day" at the gym.

The weather did not turn out to be a problem. Yeah, I was hot, and was a little sweaty before I even started; but it wasn't the major buzz kill I thought it was going to be. I bet that had I run at the event I would have been complaining about the hot weather more.

So, after yesterday, I decided I would take today as a rest day.  Here is how I feel about today's rest day...

Tomorrow morning I am going to get up early and run. I am going to try for Week Five, Day Two and see how awesome I am at eight minute running segments. I should be well rested and ready for it!  Only packing today, but that is a different kind of workout in itself.

Friday, June 21, 2013

First Day of Summer (Win)

     First, see previous two posts about kicking ass during Week Four of C25K.
General AWESOMENESS? No. Total, overwhelming AWESOMENESS!  Yes, I am feeling quite awesome this morning. This morning's mantra was "You're fine, just do this!"  It worked! My legs were sore from Wednesday's "leg day" at the gym, but I pushed through. Also, listening to some Flogging Molly really helped too. 

Week Five, Day One is three segments of five minutes for running, with shorter walking segments in between.  I just conquered the five minute running segments in Week Four and was ready to move on. Day One is only three segments of five minutes, but Day Two is up to eight minutes for running, Day Three is even more.  This week is going to be more challenging because it changes daily and does so for the rest of the weeks. But, I know that I am up for the challenge--I mean, I've made it this far already.  On my next run I might do Week Five, Day One again, just to become really confident in these five minute segments.

My Nathan 5K waist pack arrived yesterday, so this morning's run was my first run where I didn't need to be so concerned about my phone and my bra.  It was nice.  I still need to adjust it a little bit more but overall I was very happy with it.  It wasn't flapping or bouncing around while I was running, and my phone and ipod were snuggly contained and easily accessible.  And, the best part was not having to deal with a sweat covered phone!

I took a new route this morning. The canal near my house that I have been crossing over when I run near the park. I should have looked on Google Maps last night to check the route first.  There was a longish section before getting to the canal that didn't have a sidewalk.  It was okay, I just made sure to move over onto the dirt shoulder when cars were coming, and luckily it wasn't a busy section of road and I was still able to run on the asphalt. I have one more week of running these routes before I have to change them all up with a new starting location!

     I was out the door at 05:25 this morning. It was six minutes before sunrise. It was clear with no breeze. The temperature was 78º but there was a spot just before I reached the canal of really cool air.  It was a sweaty run this morning, too bad the temperatures are only going to be getting warmer and then I will have to make sure I am on the road for my run even earlier.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Legs Are Going To Die (Win)

I felt it as soon as I stepped out of the house this morning--my right shin was already hurting.  I knew it was going to be a tough run, and in the beginning I wasn't sure if I was going to make it.  A few times I had to remind myself that I did the same run yesterday and that I would be able to do it again today. And, I did do it again today!  It wasn't as fun, and it hurt more than yesterday but I did it! I think one more day of the Week Four runs and I am ready to move on to Week Five. Finally, I survived the fourth week. I had my doubts about meeting the challenge of five minute running segments, but now I know I can meet the eight minute running segments in the next week.

Time for a shower and some KT tape. It is going to be a long day with a trip to the gym in the afternoon.  Tomorrow is sleeping-in day rest day, a well deserved rest day I think!